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  • Marriage 101: Your Husband Is Not the Enemy!

    In the second episode of our marriage series, we'll talk about the ways we so often get caught up in a crazy cycle of barking orders or demanding things from our spouses. Too often we look at our husbands as enemies instead of our partners—who should be working with us toward the same goals.

  • Marriage 101: Expectations

    In the first episode of this marriage series, we'll discuss how expectations can derail our marriages. Our husbands are not God. They can do a lot, but they can't fill our every need.

  • 5. Depression and Anxiety: There Is an Alternative to Worry?

    Instead of playing worrisome scenarios in our heads, we have an alternative. Pastor Dan encourages us by sharing what we can do instead of worrying.

  • 4. Depression and Anxiety: Stop Thinking Worst-Case Scenarios

    Are you a "what-if" person who often thinks of worst-case scenarios? How do you get your anxiety under control if you're a "what-if-er"?

  • 3. Depression and Anxiety: Does God Hear My Prayers?

    Do you ever feel like God isn't listening to your prayers as you grapple with depression?

  • 2. Depression and Anxiety: I Feel Alone in My Faith

    It's not easy to follow Jesus and do the right thing when everyone around you is doing the opposite. So what can you do when you're feeling alone and outnumbered?

  • 1. Depression and Anxiety: How Is There Depression After Success?

    After achieving great success, why do we find ourselves feeling empty and depressed? Why do we feel like God has abandoned us?

  • Here's How You Help Jesus

    What do you see when you look at the face of someone God has put in your life to help? Hint: Do you see Jesus?

  • Come Down From the Spiritual Ladder

    You don't need to climb a spiritual ladder to get God's attention. Pastor Ben explains.

  • When Jesus Encouraged Using Money, Possessions, and Ambition

    Say what? Jesus wants us to learn things from dishonest managers?

  • Party With the Prodigals

    If we're not comfortable "partying with prodigals," maybe we're the ones who are lost.

  • Who Can You Serve Right Now?

    Do you want to serve more? Stop measuring the wrong thing and focus on who's in front of you. Pastor Ben explains.

  • How to Deal With Shame

    01.26.24. Shame is the unshakable feeling that we don’t belong, tempting us to run away from God and his people. Shame can be tied to something done to us, something we have done, or something we have continued to do. As hard as it is to open up about shame, it's even harder to address in the chu...

  • How to Deal With Anxiety

    01.19.2024. One in five adults deals with anxiety, caught in a snowballing avalanche of what-ifs and worst-case scenarios. As we enter another year of uncertainty and alarming headlines, it seems that, more than ever, people are being overcome by anxiety. There isn't a quick solution. But Pastor ...

  • How to Deal With People

    01.12.24 The people in our lives can lead us in different directions, good and bad. There are fools, the wise, and everyone in between. So how do we deal with people? How do we find our people? How do we know whom to trust? And whom to avoid? With the guidance of the wisest man in the ancient wor...

  • How to Fight Anxiety With Joy

    Linda Buxa joins me today to talk about her new book on anxiety. She took a different approach for dealing with anxiety than you may be familiar with. We'll get to the bottom of how joy can help us cope.

  • Behind the Series: How to Deal

    It's 2024! We kick off the new year with this series that looks at how we deal—with ourselves, with people, with anxiety, and with shame.

    Pastor Mike also mentions our brand new resource this month, "How to Fight Anxiety With Joy" by Linda Buxa. This 28-day guide shares daily devotions filled wi...

  • How to Deal With Yourself

    01.05.24. "Be who you are." "You do you." That's what the world tells us. But what does Jesus say? When you're dealing with all the ups and downs of life, all your strengths and weaknesses, and all the complicating details of your life story, Jesus says the exact opposite: Don't be you. Pastor Mi...

  • God Has Been Good, 12/31/23

    God has been good to you this past year, and he will be good to you in the year to come.

  • It's God's Salvation, 12/30/23

    Salvation is God's gift to us. He does all the work. We receive all the benefits.

  • God Looks in Your Direction, 12/29/23

    We don't have to wonder what's in God's heart when he sees us. It's always love. Always.

  • Jesus Hurts Too, 12/28/23

    When sorrow is a regular companion in your life, remember the loving way Jesus responds to it.

  • God Is Paying Attention—to You, 12/27/23

    Waiting is hard, especially when the wait brings any amount of hurt or pain. The angels' visit to the shepherds reminds us that God sees us with love.

  • God's Love Is Forever, 12/26/23

    We can fear many things over the course of our lives. God will lovingly protect us from those fears and bring us safely home to be with him.