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  • Do You Think Your Life Doesn't Matter?

    If you're struggling right now and wonder if you even matter, Pastor Phil wants to tell you there's no doubt that YES, you do matter. It starts with going back to what God says and did.

  • The Guide to Starring in Your Own Movie of Life

    Life is like a movie, and the main character in your life is none other than you. How much should you focus on yourself and embrace the mentality that you are the main character? And what should that look like? What script are you looking at? Who is the director of your life? However you may answ...

  • Who Am I? You Can Know God

    In the ninth episode of the "Who Am I?" series, we see that God reveals himself to anyone who comes to him with an open heart. Amber will also give lots of resources to help us get to know God better.

  • The Devil Is No Match

    Can the devil read minds? The greatest liar, accuser, and fraud is a powerful enemy we should be aware of, but how far does his power extend? There are some weapons and traps he uses that we often overlook but shouldn't. Here's the real question that has to be addressed: Is the devil on the same ...

  • Serving Veterans: Simply Thank Them

    Show veterans they are not forgotten.

    This week we celebrate our veterans with this classic series from Pastor Jon that first aired in 2018.

  • Serving Veterans: Use Our Gifts

    It's not as hard as we think to reflect the love of Christ and be a blessing to others, especially to vets.

    This week we celebrate our veterans with this classic series from Pastor Jon that first aired in 2018.

  • Serving Veterans: Our Turn to Lay Down Our Lives

    Our military men and women selflessly served and put their lives on the line. What can we do now when our vets are in need?

    This week we celebrate our veterans with this classic series from Pastor Jon that first aired in 2018.

  • Serving Veterans: Finding Peace After Combat

    Is it a sin for a soldier to kill in the line of duty? Pastor Jon's answer can give vets some peace.

    This week we celebrate our veterans with this classic series from Pastor Jon that first aired in 2018.

  • Serving Veterans: How to Help Struggling Vets

    We are uniquely equipped to help veterans who are struggling.

    This week we celebrate our veterans with this classic series from Pastor Jon that first aired in 2018.

  • How to Talk About Jesus 101

    11.03.23. If the good news about Jesus is so good, then why don't Christians share more about it? Maybe it's because we feel inadequate and don't know what to say. Or we are terrified of how our friends and family would react. Pastor Mike can relate. And that's why in today's message, he opens up...

  • Who Am I? You Matter!

    In the eighth episode of the "Who Am I?" series, we confront the fear many of us have: What if it doesn't seem that what I am doing impacts the world at all? How do I know God didn't forget to gift me with some special gift to change the world? How can I be sure I matter to God?

    Amber mentions t...

  • Should This Person Be a Pastor?

    Do you know what qualifies or disqualifies someone from being a pastor? "A pastor is to be above reproach." What does this mean? Is someone disqualified from being a pastor if they've had a crazy past, gotten a divorce, or have a wild family? Our culture has opinions, messages, and feelings on wh...

  • Who Am I? You Don't Need More

    In the seventh episode of the "Who Am I?" series, I encourage you to stop waiting till it feels like you have enough: money, strength, education. You may never feel you have enough, so do hard things now with what you have.

  • The Forgotten God: What the Holy Spirit Does Through You

    The Holy Spirit has given you gifts and abilities that are essential. Do you know what your spiritual gifts are?

  • The Forgotten God: The Holy Spirit Helps You Pray

    Sometimes we don't know how to pray. A big part of that is not knowing the right words to say. That's where the Holy Spirit helps.

  • The Forgotten God: Is the Holy Spirit Inside You?

    There's a constant battle between good and evil—inside us. What we think about matters. Is the Holy Spirit inside us to help us in our thoughts?

  • The Forgotten God: What the Holy Spirit Promises You

    You have been given the same power as Jesus' disciples, thanks to the Holy Spirit.

  • The Forgotten God: Who Is the Holy Spirit?

    The Holy Spirit does not get nearly the same attention as God the Father and God the Son. Who is God the Holy Spirit, and what does he do for us?

  • Prove the Power

    When do you personally reevaulate your life, calling, and purpose? Maybe you've never given it a lot of thought or time. C.L. examines his life each year around his birthday and comes up with a word for the year to focus on. This year's word has to do with "proving more powerful than opposing for...

  • Screens & Souls: The Bad

    10.13.23. Screens are a double-edged sword. On one side are the blessings. And, unfortunately, on the other side are the bad things. Pastor Mike explores the negative effects of screens by challenging us with three big questions concerning the most important areas of our lives: our families, our ...

  • What if I Don't Understand the Bible?

    10.27.23. The Bible is challenging to read. There are weird words and weird names in it. There’s an Old Testament and a New Testament. There are prophecies and prophets. And if you’re new to the Bible, if you’ve never deeply studied it, it can leave you confused. That's why in this message, Pasto...

  • Church & the Customer Service Mentality

    Who doesn't love good customer service that makes them feel welcome and appreciated? In fact, we often choose a church based on how well it can serve us. But should Christians have the customer service mentality when it comes to church? What other aspects of a good church might we be missing if w...

  • Who Am I? With God You Are Strong Enough

    In the sixth episode of the "Who Am I?" series, we explore how often we talk ourselves out of things because they are hard. The Bible shows us that God works mightily despite our weaknesses.

  • Joy in Vulnerability

    To be surrounded by good company, we need to open ourselves up and be vulnerable.