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  • Joy in Loneliness

    Even when we don't have people around us, we don't have to feel lonely or sad.

  • Joy in Exhaustion

    In order to find the joy in the midst of our busy lives, Pastor Jon says to look at why we do what we do.

  • Joy in Temptation

    It seems strange to have joy in temptation. But, Pastor Jon says, here's how we can do that.

  • Joy in Humility

    We're called to be humble and put others above us. But how can we truly value others over us when they're not deserving of it?

  • Who Am I? You Are Forgiven

    In the fifth episode of the "Who Am I?" series, we take a look at shame. Left unchecked, shame can keep us paralyzed and not fully understanding the grace that Jesus' life, death, and resurrection provide. Instead of drowning in shame, bask in your identity as a forgiven child of God.

  • Screens & Souls: The Blessings

    10.6.23. Love them or hate them, screens are undeniably a part of our daily lives. Whether it's social media, instant messages, FaceTiming, or streaming videos, this modern age sees us more digitally connected than ever. Which leads us to the big question: Is all this screen time a blessing or a ...

  • Screens & Souls: The Boundaries

    10.20.23. What can help determine if screens are a blessing or a bad thing? The answer, Pastor Mike says, is if we set boundaries. Pastor Mike gets super practical in this message by applying some biblical wisdom to our modern digital lives and gives us five suggestions to help us develop good bo...

  • Behind the Series: Screens & Souls

    What is the impact of technology on our lives? More important, what's the impact on our spiritual lives?

    That's the big idea behind Pastor Mike's new sermon series, "Screens & Souls." Pastor Mike and Amber give us a sneak peek, talking about technology's blessings, its bad things, and the bounda...

  • You Can't Change Your Past—And That's Okay

    We look back on our pasts and wish we could travel back to fix things. But Pastor Ben says we don't need to feel regret because our past experiences, even the painful ones, can be used for good.

  • You Can't Make Up for Your Past

    There's nothing we can do to make up for our past mistakes. We can't buy forgiveness from another person or from God. But the good news is, Pastor Ben says, we don't have to.

  • Don't Live in Your Past; Learn From It

    We can be so focused on our pasts—the hurt, pain, or regret—that we find ourselves living in the past and missing out on the present. Instead of living in the past, Pastor Ben reminds us how we can learn from it.

  • Don't Ignore Your Painful Past

    When we're triggered by our pasts, the shame and guilt can be so overwhelming that we try to stuff those feelings. Pastor Ben says we should instead let those feelings come to the surface.

  • Do You Get Stuck in the Past?

    Sometimes we get weighed down by the things that happened in our pasts. But, Pastor Ben encourages us, we don't have an accurate view of everything that happened in the past. And we don't need one.

  • How to Attract Mr. or Ms. Right

    The dating world is becoming harder, and it's getting more cutthroat. If your relationship status is single, you may be wondering how to attract Mr. or Ms. Right. If you are in a relationship or even married, you may be wondering if the person you're with is the right one. Whether you are looking...

  • God's Blueprint for a Happy Home: How Do I Help Friends Caught in Adultery?

    09.29.23. Statistically, most, if not all, of us will have friends who are unfaithful in their marriages. When that happens, what should we do? How do we help when everything is so complex and so powerful and so emotional? How can we be good Christian friends when a friend chooses to cheat? What...

  • Who Am I? You Are Not Broken

    In the fourth episode of our "Who Am I?" series, we look at the problem with identifying as broken. Whatever scars you or I have from past or present hurts, God's Word shows us examples and passages that prove he is for us and totally capable of putting us back together.

  • Help From Abuse Is Available

    You may want to help your abuser get to a better place. But Pastor Ben says you need to know when to stop being in helping mode and instead go into protection mode by using the resources God’s given you.

    If you or someone you know is suffering from abuse, please go to to fi...

  • Don’t Believe Your Abuser’s Lies About the Bible

    Abusive partners will use these common Bible passages out of context to try to train you to believe their lies. Pastor Ben says don’t fall for the abusers’ gaslighting.

    If you or someone you know is suffering from abuse, please go to to find more resources and information f...

  • Take Back Control From My Abuser

    In an abusive relationship, it’s all about control. Pastor Ben says you can follow the footsteps of David and take a step of independence.

    If you or someone you know is suffering from abuse, please go to to find more resources and information for getting help.

  • I Am Being Abused. Now What?

    If you’re in an abusive relationship, what can you do? Pastor Ben says take steps to get to safety.

    If you or someone you know is suffering from abuse, please go to to find more resources and information for getting help.

  • How Do I Know I’m in an Abusive Relationship?

    You may be reluctant to put your significant other in the category of an abuser. Pastor Ben asks if you are seeing these patterns of behavior?

    If you or someone you know is suffering from abuse, please go to to find more resources and information for getting help.

  • That's Not Ladylike

    What does a God-fearing woman look like? There are some characteristics that seem to be common in God-fearing women and one characteristic ALL should strive to emulate whether you are a woman or a man. This episode examines those characteristics and highlights how Jesus, the perfect man, shared c...

  • Who Am I? You Are Not What You Do or Have Done

    In the third episode of our "Who Am I?" series, we'll look at achievements. It can be tempting to base our identity on our achievements, or lack thereof. The truth, of course, is that achievements are wonderful but fleeting, and not accomplishing something of worldly value doesn't mean we're wort...

  • Bruh, Be a Man!

    You don't have to be a man to appreciate this episode, but think about what characteristics you think make a man. What does a REAL man look like? There are some characteristics and traits that are up for debate. Regardless of that, a Christian man should have characteristics that are different fr...