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  • Is God in Your Marriage?

    The closer a husband and wife get to God, the closer they'll be to each other. Pastor Dave explains.

  • Sex Is God's Gift in Marriage

    Sex is the one gift God gives you that you're to share with just one person.

  • The Love Song of Marriage

    How can husbands and wives build up one another?

  • Wives Are Supposed to Submit?

    Why does God tell wives to submit to their husbands?

  • What Is a Husband's Role?

    There's one question husbands need to ask themselves constantly. Pastor Dave reveals what this important question is.

  • Who Am I? Don't Base Your Worth on the Wrong Words

    Are you prone to thinking things like, "You are so stupid" or, "You don't matter"? What do the people around you say about how you live? As Christians, we live counter to culture, so we need to make sure our identity is based solely on God's words alone. We also need to learn to tell Satan to shu...

  • Listen Up! What Would Paul Say to Us?

    The apostle Paul was known for sending letters to churches and people. His letters called them out, encouraged them, and spoke on cultural issues. Some have said that America could use a letter from Paul reminding us of a few things. What do you think Paul would say to the churches in America and...

  • Who Am I? Body Image

    The statistics on women and body image are alarming, and having a positive self-image doesn't get easier with age. We'll have a candid conversation about who we are in Christ to combat the idealized worldly version of a woman that most of us will never be.

  • God's Blueprint for a Happy Home: What if There Was an Affair?, Part 2

    09.22.23. Part 2 of 2. What do you do when your spouse broke your vows and your heart? Or if you were the one who ignored God’s voice and betrayed? How do couples recover from the pain, the shame, and the regret? Is there any hope after an affair? We live in a culture where one in five husbands w...

  • Answering Skeptics: Christians Are so Negative

    Why are Christians always talking about hell and death and judgment?

  • Answering Skeptics: Rising From the Dead Is Impossible

    Why should you believe that Jesus rose from the dead? Pastor Dave has six reasons why Jesus' resurrection is historically reliable.

  • Answering Skeptics: Miracles Aren’t Possible

    Nature acts uniformly. And since you’ve never seen a miracle, then miracles aren’t possible . . . right?

  • Answering Skeptics: But There Are Hypocrites in the Church

    You might be turned off by the church because you see so many hypocrites. And you'd be right. Because Jesus said there would be hypocrites in the church.

  • Answering Skeptics: Do I Need to Do Good to Get Into Heaven?

    If I'm a good person, shouldn't that be enough for me to get into heaven?

  • Silent Killers

    Don't let your faults define you. Don't try to justify your wrongs. Instead of acting like your negative behaviors, responses, and choices don't exist, be aware of how they can be silently killing you. This doesn't have to be the case and should NOT happen to any follower of Christ no matter how ...

  • God's Blueprint for a Happy Home: What if There Was an Affair?, Part 1

    09.15.23. Part 1 of 2. What do you do when your spouse broke your vows and your heart? Or if you were the one who ignored God’s voice and betrayed? How do couples recover from the pain, the shame, and the regret? Is there any hope after an affair? We live in a culture where one in five husbands w...

  • Behind the Series: God's Blueprint for a Happy Home

    Marriage, living together before marriage, and adultery.

    Pastor Mike takes a look at what God says about how to have happy and holy homes in his next sermon series, "God's Blueprint for a Happy Home." Pastor Mike and Amber preview this series and also find ways to discuss Pastor Mike's camping ...

  • It Doesn't Matter What They Think

    This episode aired September 11, 2022, and offers the reminder that too often we believe our faulty feelings and/or what other people think about us. Instead, we need to rely on the truths of Scripture to know our worth.

  • The Real OG Father Mentality

    There's a mentality carried by gang leaders who often act as father figures. This mentality may be something you have adopted in your life and not even realized it. Are there any philosophies our heavenly Father and Jesus share in common with OGs? Learn what gang/family you're a part of and why....

  • God's Blueprint for a Happy Home: Living Together Before Marriage?

    09.08.23. Is it okay if couples—who aren't married but love one another—live together? In our 21st-century culture, it's not unusual for couples to look for certainty in compatibility by living together first; not to mention doing so also saves on rent, bills, and expenses. But what does God say?...

  • Follow God Not Your Dreams

    We're heading all the way back to January 2021 for the next in our "Best of" series. If things aren't working out with your goals, this is a good reminder to follow God and let him take you where he wants you to go.

  • Make Your Dreams Come True

    Is there a dream you have that just hasn't come true yet? But the bigger the dream, the more you'll need of this often overlooked quality. This episode looks at Joseph's dream and what lessons we can learn from him and his rise to power.

    Genesis 37, 39, 40, 41
    Genesis 20

  • Being Wise With My Words

    The tongue has the power to build people up or tear people down. So how can we be wise with how we use our words?

  • Being Wise With Difficult People

    When dealing with people, be as wise as snakes but innocent as doves. Pastor Ben explains what this means.