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  • Being Wise With Sex

    God designed sex to be a good thing inside of marriage. So how do we make wise decisions in our sexual lives?

  • Being Wise in My Life's Walk

    We know what we're supposed to do. But how can we actually put wisdom into practice?

  • Wisdom Isn't Found From Google

    Seeking wisdom? Don't Google to look for it. Don't rely on your gut. Start with God.

  • Hope for the Hurting

    No matter the struggles you’re facing or what life throws at you, you’re not alone. We at Time of Grace are here to help you on your spiritual journey, to remind you that the One you need is right by your side.

  • P Is for Power, Specifically Resurrection Power

    We continue our "Best of" series this month! So often we feel weak and defeated, but do you realize the Holy Spirit is alive in you? Please don't let the magnitude of that escape you. You have access to the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. This episode first aired June 19, 2022.

  • Is God Even Hearing My Prayers?

    What if we keep praying over and over and it feels like God isn’t responding? If we feel like giving up, Pastor Jeremy says don’t—because Jesus said there is always one better option than just giving up.

  • How Our Prayers Are Effective

    There are certain people God won’t trust with the resources of heaven. Here's why God trusts you.

  • Avoid Praying Prayers God Doesn’t Answer

    There are two prayers God doesn’t answer. Pastor Jeremy walks us through how we can avoid these two types of prayers.

  • Prayer Is a Difference-Maker

    Even when we’re down, alone, and discouraged, we need to pray—because prayer is a powerful difference-maker.

  • In Times of Trouble, Simply Pray

    We will have trouble in this world. But the Bible tells us exactly what we should do when life is troubling. Pray. And here’s why.

  • God's Blueprint for a Happy Home: What Makes Marriage Work?

    09.01.23. God wants to see us happy in our marriages, so he gives us guidance through the Bible: Husbands must love their wives and be devoted to them. Wives must respect and submit to their husbands. And yet, despite God's instructions, happy homes and marriages are the exception, not the norm. ...

  • They Want You to Keep It on the Low

    The media would rather publicize something other than Jesus. As Christians, should we follow this trend? If we want to get rid of our blindness and see the truth, we will need to take lessons from a beggar who knew keeping it low key was not the answer to his problems. Striving for spiritual grow...

  • What Is Love? I'm Supposed to Love "Those" People?

    08.25.23. We live in a world of us vs. them, a culture of our people against their people. Such divisions are often the line where love stops, even among those who confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And that's dangerous. Instead, Pastor Mike challenges, what would it look like if we listened...

  • This IS Your Assignment

    Today we are starting our "Best of" series with the episodes that had the most listens in the last three years. This episode first aired July 3, 2022, and asks: Are you doing what you thought you'd be doing? The episode is about embracing the assignment God's given you, even if it isn't what you ...

  • Our Superhero

    We all want someone super to stay by our side until the very end, no matter when we die or what we've done. Spoiler: We already have that superhero.

    In this series, Pastor Jeremy teaches us how one simple but profound sentence of 2 Corinthians 4 reminds us of the hope we have in Jesus.

  • Life Is Hard, But Keep Going

    Even when life gets hard, remember that we keep going—because Jesus kept going for us.

    In this series, Pastor Jeremy teaches us how one simple but profound sentence of 2 Corinthians 4 reminds us of the hope we have in Jesus.

  • Our Pain Comes With a Promise

    Even when our troubles seem heavy and overwhelming, there's a very big promise that we get to live with, that God is using our trouble and pain to achieve for us a far bigger glory.

    In this series, Pastor Jeremy teaches us how one simple but profound sentence of 2 Corinthians 4 reminds us of the...

  • We Already Have a Reason to Smile

    We can walk through life knowing we always have a future to look forward to because we know who it will be with.

    In this series, Pastor Jeremy teaches us how one simple but profound sentence of 2 Corinthians 4 reminds us of the hope we have in Jesus.

  • Move Forward in Life Confidently

    Life can sometimes be difficult. But with this one short sentence from the Bible, we are reminded that the troubles of life don't need to stop us from moving forward with confidence.

    In this series, Pastor Jeremy teaches us how one simple but profound sentence of 2 Corinthians 4 reminds us of th...

  • Fueling on Feelings

    Being fueled by our feelings can lead us astray. Feelings are a part of life, and it's beneficial to be in tune with them properly. But for Christians, there is something we can be inspired by that is more trustworthy than our feelings. This episode examines how Jesus dealt with situations that w...

  • Behind the Series: What Is Love?

    How do you even tackle a subject as big as love, especially when considering that God is love?

    Pastor Mike and Amber give us a sneak peek at August's TV message series, "What Is Love?" Pastor Mike and Amber talk about whether love should be tough or tender—with Pastor Mike and Amber each reveali...

  • What Is Love? What's My First Love?

    08.18.23. What is the first love in your life? In our busy world of work, school, kids, and relationships, what is your greatest passion? Your answer is so important when it comes to love. Because in order to love well, you need to have the right order of your loves—starting with the first love.....

  • Single on God's Time

    In the fourth episode of our single series, we'll hear from Dorothy Schlueter. She'll tell us the lessons she's learned from being a widow for many years.

  • Oh, So That's What You Calling It

    The world has changed the name of certain sins to try and make them seem like they are not sins. Switching names is a tactic used to confuse and manipulate people to act a certain way. Watch what others try to call those who want to represent Christian living. Even Jesus had to deal with people t...