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  • What's the Point? Keeping My God Connection

    07.07.23. Let's be honest. It's too easy for us to forget God. When times are good, we're lost in the blur of blessings and forget about him. When times are bad, our hearts focus on the pain and we forget about him. So the big question is: how do we remember God? As Pastor Mike finishes teaching ...

  • Socially Contagious

    Is it OK to build a relationship on lies? Well, I guess it depends, because people are now being pressured to call a man a woman and vice versa if that's what a person wants. Culture wants to dictate our feelings and attitudes and will go to great lengths to do this. There are some movements that...

  • Faith Journeys: Emily Krill

    Today we're beginning a new series called "Faith Journeys," a series introducing you to the women who blog for Time of Grace. This first episode is with Emily Krill. She's not one to spend a lot of time on the surface. She goes deep fast. I just know you're going to fall in love with her the way ...

  • Change Your Negative Thoughts to Positive

    You don't need to be stuck in negative thoughts. You can do this by literally changing your brain. Pastor Ben explains.

  • What's the Point? My Plans vs. God's Plans

    06.23.23. How much should we plan our lives when we know God's got plans for us? Should we be ruthless and driven about planning our schedules and our lives? Or should we be so trusting and so faithful that we just wait to see where God takes us? The answer, Pastor Mike says, comes from understan...

  • My Unique Significance

    It's easy for us to get caught up in the comparison game, wishing we had more significant talents, gifts, and roles. But instead of wishing we had others' gifts, Pastor Andrew says, take a look at what special gifts God's already given us.

  • I Can Be Significant by . . . Thinking Small?

    Usually when we think of doing something significant, we think of the big and impressive: missionary work overseas, large donations, serving the underserved. But Pastor Andrew encourages us first to think small—because that's what Jesus also said.

  • What if I Don't Know My Purpose?

    Sometimes we struggle with our purpose in life. What were we put on earth to do? What if it doesn't feel significant enough? Pastor Andrew recently struggled with this question as well, until he remembered this special verse about God and us.

  • How Does God Measure My Significance?

    We want to do something significant with our lives, but we don't always know how. God doesn't tell us how many hours we should work or what profession we should choose. But what he does tell us is that his way of measuring our significance is the opposite way the world measures significance.

  • Do I Matter?

    When we have moments that make us feel small, as if we're just numbers or faces in the crowd, we often feel like we're not that significant. But Pastor Andrew reminds us: God has something to say about how much we matter.

  • Frenemy

    The worst kind of friend is one who is really an undercover enemy. A person may be a friend in one aspect and an enemy in another, but how do you distinguish the difference? We have to beware of our greatest frenemy. Likewise, we have to be thankful for our greatest Friend, who has undoubtedly pr...

  • Faith Journeys: Katie Augustine

    In our second episode of "Faith Journeys," you'll meet the youngest blogger at Time of Grace. Katie Augustine is refreshing in all the right ways. I think you'll find as I did that she's solid in her faith and steady in her kingdom work. And also, she's my latest best friend, so there's that.

  • Programming Update: Little Things With Amber Albee Swenson

    Amber drops a quick video to let our viewers know that the video version of "Little Things" will now publish on Monday mornings. However, the podcast version will still publish Sunday mornings!

  • Answering Skeptics: Aren't Christians Supposed to Be Happier?

    I thought Christians are supposed to be happy all the time?

    This week, Pastor Dave looks at questions and objections that people have when it comes to Christianity.

  • Answering Skeptics: Enjoy Life Now; Believe Later?

    I can live my life and have fun now because I can always believe in God later, right?

    This week, Pastor Dave looks at questions and objections that people have when it comes to Christianity.

  • Answering Skeptics: Why Is There so Much Evil?

    If God is good, why is there so much evil in our world?

    This week, Pastor Dave looks at questions and objections that people have when it comes to Christianity.

  • Answering Skeptics: God Gives Me Something for Nothing?

    Why would God give me his grace—his undeserved love—and eternity in heaven? Don't I need to do something to get right with God?

    This week, Pastor Dave looks at questions and objections that people have when it comes to Christianity.

  • Answering Skeptics: Why Doesn't Jesus Heal Me?

    If Jesus can heal people, why doesn't he heal me right now?

    This week, Pastor Dave looks at questions and objections that people have when it comes to Christianity.

  • Gospel-Centered Change: A Conversation With Dr. Joan Prince

    I heard Dr. Joan Prince speak at a leadership conference and couldn't wait for the opportunity to talk to her again. She's a woman who has overcome adversity and opposition. To this day, she's hard at work to bring about gospel-centered change.

    A little more about Dr. Joan Prince: She has serve...

  • How to Handle an Emotional Roller Coaster

    There's a secret for how to overcome the roller coaster of emotions and anxious feelings.

  • How to Forget the Things Weighing You Down

    Do you feel like you can't move forward until you fix your past? If so, Pastor Ben says don't believe this lie.

  • Why You Shouldn't Keep Score

    Do you find your identity in keeping score of your accomplishments? If so, that's not healthy. Instead, Pastor Ben shares the record that really matters.

  • How You Find Joy During Unlikely Times

    "This shouldn't happen this way." How many times have you found yourself thinking these words? Pastor Ben says to focus instead on another phrase in order to find joy during these times.

  • What's the Point? My Life Isn't Random

    06.16.23. What we go through—the good, the bad, and everything in between—is not random. It's not a matter of luck. Because there is no such thing as coincidence, Pastor Mike says. Reading from the book of Esther, we see that God has reasons and purposes for all the things he does in our lives. K...