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  • True or False? "Only God Can Judge Me"

    A phrase used by late rapper Tupac Shakur has had a unique meaning in our culture: "only God can judge me." Uppity, judgmental people rub so many the wrong way, but as Christians are we supposed to judge? God is the ultimate Judge, and there are many passages in the Bible that discuss judging, re...

  • Can You Share Jesus' Offensive Messages? - Hope From Israel

    Jesus had some hard and offensive teachings that aren't always popular. But proclaim them anyway.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in Capernaum where Jesus gave his "Bread of Life" sermon, Pastor Mike reminds us of Jesus' unchanging words.

  • 5. How You Can Make an Impact: Even When It Seems Everything's Against You

    Does it seem you're constantly in the wrong place at the wrong time and the victim of unfortunate circumstances? Yet despite the setbacks, you can still make an impact.

  • 4. How You Can Make an Impact: Without Huge Dollar Signs

    Do you need to have a huge bank account in order to have a huge impact?

  • 3. How You Can Make an Impact: Even When No One's Watching

    How much of an impact can you really have if no one's around to see what you did? If you don't post it on social media?

  • 2. How You Can Make an Impact: By Not Putting Yourself First

    In a world where everyone is looking to make a name for themselves, Pastor Jon says to do the opposite and make a name for someone else. Why?

  • 1. How You Can Make an Impact: With Small Acts

    Do you feel too ordinary to make a difference? Pastor Jon assures you that God can and will use you. How?

  • Trends vs. Truth: "God Told Me"

    4.28.23. How do we know if God is speaking to us or if it's just us feeling and thinking what our own hearts want to hear under the guise of "God told me"? Throughout the Bible, God spoke in different ways to different people, using a burning bush, a whisper, visions, even a talking donkey. How d...

  • The Secret to Contentment: Hope From Israel

    Are you filled up with enough hope in Jesus that you can withstand the tough times?

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in the ancient city of Megiddo, Pastor Mike encourages us to fill up our souls and hearts to take on challenges.

  • Nothing to Fear: Hope From Israel

    Whatever is stressing you out, just remember Jesus when he was transfigured.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here near Mount Tabor, where many believe Jesus was transfigured, Pastor Mike reminds us we have nothing to fear.

  • You—Yes, YOU—Are a Saint: Hope From Israel

    We haven't always represented Jesus well and have done things we're not proud of. But regardless, we're still saints. How? Pastor Mike explains.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in Jerusalem at the church of St. Peter Gallicantu, Pastor Mike shares how w...

  • Jesus Stayed for . . . You? - Hope From Israel

    If you've ever wondered whether Jesus could love a person like you, remember Jesus' decision not to escape when he had the chance.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in Jerusalem at the Garden of Gethsemane, Pastor Mike reminds of Jesus' choice to stay—for...

  • The Posture of Prayer

    Mark 5 gives us three key lessons we can learn about going to God in prayer.

  • A Promise of Love Despite the Pain

    God could have chosen to walk away from us. Instead, he showed the promise of his love for us.

    We opened our vault and brought back this classic series from Pastor Jeremy that teaches us about God's promises!

  • Know When to Ask for Help

    What might your life look like if you trust God and ask for his help? It starts with first recognizing you need help.

    We opened our vault and brought back this classic series from Pastor Jeremy that teaches us about God's promises!

  • The Cure for Guilt

    How do you deal with the guilt of broken promises? Pastor Jeremy shares the secret.

    We opened our vault and brought back this classic series from Pastor Jeremy that teaches us about God's promises!

  • A Promise-Keeper Among Promise-Breakers

    No matter how hard we work to keep our promises, we often break them. But Jesus kept his promise to us.

    We opened our vault and brought back this classic series from Pastor Jeremy that teaches us about God's promises!

  • God's 300 Promises

    God put his reputation on the line by making—and keeping—300 promises. How good are you at keeping yours?

    We opened our vault and brought back this classic series from Pastor Jeremy that teaches us about God's promises!

  • The Basics Promo 1

  • Hard Words, Loving Truths: A Promise for Struggling Sinners

    4.21.23. If we're honest, we admit that we sin because sin feels good. In our struggle with sin, we panic and wonder if we're going to lose our faith. That's why Jesus' half brother Jude, in just one sentence, gives us an incredible promise at the end of his book—it's so incredible that Pastor Mi...

  • Be Patient by . . . Giving Time Away?

    How generous are you with your time to other people?

  • How to Grow in Patience

    The best way to grow in patience isn't to find more time. Instead, Pastor Matt says, it's something that sounds counterintuitive.

  • Does God's Patience Run Out for Me?

    Do you ever wonder if God has lost his patience with you?

  • Has Your Impatience Harmed Your Relationships?

    Has your impatience prevented you from showing the love and compassion you have for someone in your life?