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  • Why God Wants You to Be Patient

    Your patience is a spiritual matter that God's very interested in.

  • I Believe, But . . .

    Not understanding the ways of God has caused some to reject him. As Christians, there are some applicable things we can do to feed our faith. It's OK not to understand everything or be able to explain every detail of a perfect God because it doesn't take away from facts or truth.

    Luke 2:41-52 ...

  • Prayer and the Heart of God

    We'll dive into 1 John and Charles Spurgeon's book "Prayer & Spiritual Warfare" for some takeaways that may change our prayer lives.

  • Behind the Series: Hard Words, Loving Truths

    There are two key teachings in the Bible, and the temptation for Christians is to pick one teaching at the expense of the other. Learning how to fully embrace both teachings is the message of Pastor Mike's new sermon series, "Hard Words, Loving Truths."

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give u...

  • What's the Big Deal About Easter?

    Easter is all but an afterthought in our society. We'll explore why we should take it seriously and make sure it's not just another day.

  • Believe in Yourself . . . Sike!

    "You have to believe in yourself" is a motto we hear a lot, making us think the solutions come from us. Our experiences, our challenges, our successes and failures, and our strengths and weaknesses affect the beliefs we have in ourselves. What should you base your self-belief in? This episode exp...

  • Don't Miss Moments: Jesus' Empty Grave = My Immortality

    04.06.23. Easter is a massively important deal in Christianity. So then how is it possible that many of us can easily miss it or reach this day without being emotionally and spiritually prepared? Pastor Mike shares how the Bible refuses to let us miss Easter, reminding us of the life we find from...

  • Two Reasons People “Listen.” Which One Are You?

    When we listen, it ultimately comes down to two reasons. Pinpointing WHY we listen is crucial to understanding ourselves and others. We can all become better listeners by examining how Jesus listened and modeling his approach. In this episode, find out which type of listener you are!

    Genesis 3 ...

  • How to Deal: With Shame

    1.28.22. Shame is the unshakable feeling that we don’t belong, tempting us to run away from God and his people. Shame can be tied to something done to us, something we have done, or something we have continued to do. As hard as it is to open up about shame, it's even harder to address in the chur...

  • How to Deal: With Anxiety

    1.16.22. One in five adults deals with anxiety, caught in a snowballing avalanche of what-ifs and worst-case scenarios. As we enter another year of uncertainty and alarming headlines, it seems that, more than ever, people are being overcome by anxiety. There isn't a quick solution. But Pastor Mik...

  • How to Deal: With People

    1.9.22. The people in our lives can lead us in different directions, good and bad. There are fools, the wise, and everyone in between. So how do we deal with people? How do we find our people? How do we know whom to trust? And whom to avoid? With the guidance of the wisest man in the ancient worl...

  • How to Deal: With Yourself

    1.2.22. "Be who you are." "You do you." That's what the world tells us. But what does Jesus say? When you're dealing with all the ups and downs of life, all your strengths and weaknesses, and all the complicating details of your life story, Jesus says the exact opposite: Don't be you. Pastor Mike...

  • Kingdom: Churchy Words Explained (and Why You Should Care)

    2.27.22. What did Jesus love to teach about the most? It wasn't love, grace, forgiveness, heaven, or hell. It was the kingdom of God. But in the 21st-century world, the idea of a "kingdom" is unclear. Pastor Mike defines "kingdom" using two key words and helps us see how we can find comfort in "k...

  • Cross: Churchy Words Explained (and Why You Should Care)

    3.6.22. The cross. Pop stars, rappers, bikers, and pastors tattoo it on their bodies, an artistic shape that seems to mean all things to all people. But what does the cross actually mean? As Pastor Mike unpacks the word "cross," he shows us how knowing what the cross is, that Jesus died on one, a...

  • Faith: Churchy Words Explained (and Why You Should Care)

    2.20.22. Most people are familiar with faith. Christians have faith. Buddhists have faith. Atheists have faith in science and humanity. But what does the Bible mean by faith? Because the Bible certainly says a lot about faith. And that's why in this message, Pastor Mike slows down and digs deep i...

  • Saved: Churchy Words Explained (and Why You Should Care)

    2.13.22. To be saved means to be rescued from danger. So what danger are Christians talking about when they use this word? Who was in danger and is now saved? And by whom and from what and what for? Pastor Mike helps us understand the significance of "saved" and its impact on our lives.

  • Grace: Churchy Words Explained (and Why You Should Care)

    2.6.22. Grace is, as we have heard countless times, amazing. But what makes it so amazing? What exactly is "grace," and how do we even define it? Pastor Mike gives us a clear definition and what it means for us by opening up the Bible to the story of how a murderous man was transformed into the g...

  • Good: Churchy Words Explained (and Why You Should Care)

    1.30.22. If there’s a word that seems simple to define, it’s the word “good.” Good is, well, good. It’s someone who isn’t bad. But how you define “good” is gravely important. Are you good? Are we good enough? If not, how do we become good in God’s sight? In this message, Jesus challenges our defi...

  • My Best Life Possible

    4.17.22. What if someone told you that you could have the best life possible? Even if your life is already pretty good right now, or especially if it's not, you CAN have a really full and abundant life. And, as Pastor Mike shares in today's Easter message, it starts with knowing the beautiful pro...

  • I'm Supposed to Love "Those" People? || What Is Love?

    5.1.22. We live in a world of us vs. them, a culture of our people against their people. Such divisions are often the line where love stops, even among those who confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And that's dangerous. Instead, Pastor Mike challenges, what would it look like if we listened t...

  • What's My FIrst Love? || What Is Love?

    4.24.22. What is the first love in your life? In our busy world of work, school, kids, and relationships, what is your greatest passion? Your answer is so important when it comes to love. Because in order to love well, you need to have the right order of your loves—starting with the first love.

  • Isn't Jesus on MY Side? || What Is Love?

    4.10.22. Issue after issue, regardless of which side you choose, everyone says Jesus is on their side. But two thousand years ago when Jesus walked the earth, what did he really say, and whose side would he take today? This message takes a close look at Jesus and his words and teaches us how we c...

  • Show Tough or Tender Love? || What Is Love?

    4.3.22. Love. Some define love as speaking the truth, no matter how hard it is to hear. Others define it as acceptance, approval, and applause. Love, according to the apostle Paul, is actually both tough and tender—but love is not equal parts of both. Pastor Mike walks us through Paul's words, re...

  • What if Church Is Boring? || Jesus Judges Churches Too

    5.8.22. What do you do when church doesn't feel interesting enough? If you're discouraged about your church experience, Pastor Mike says the best thing you can do is read the first chapters of the book of Revelation. But this isn't an end times sermon series. Rather, we see how Jesus shows up in ...