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  • God's Delight Is in You, 2/24/23

    Throughout the Bible it's clear how much God delights in loving you.

  • Blessed by Jesus, 2/23/23

    Jesus is aware of the challenges to your happiness. He lived here too. Yet you're always blessed when you're loved by him.

  • The Lord Knows You, 2/22/23

    The wide variety of emotions expressed throughout the book of Psalms reminds you that your loving God knew all that you would experience in life.

  • The Third Commandment

    What does it mean to remember the Sabbath Day? Do we have to go to church on a certain day? We'll get to the heart of this command and what it means for our faith journey.

  • Black History Month: "They" Get All the Good Credit

    One of the beefs with Christianity is that some feel as though ONLY European fingerprints are all over today's version of Christianity and that only white reformers and theologians have a say. Should Martin Luther, who happened to be of European descent, receive as much credit as he does? This ep...

  • 10 Commandments: Sixth Commandment

    "You shall not commit adultery." In order to fully understand this commandment, Pastor Jeremy teaches that we need to understand how God defines marriage and what constitutes adultery. Additionally, what does all this say about divorce?

  • Lessons From David: What Happens After We Mess Up?

    God stops at nothing to forgive . . . us.

    Pastor Dave concludes this series that looks at the life and lessons of David.

  • Lessons From David: When We Get What We Don't Deserve

    After what we have done, how can God still give us another chance?

    Pastor Dave continues this series that looks at the life and lessons of David.

  • Lessons From David: Love Our Enemies

    The next time we see our enemy, we need to do as David did and put down our spear.

    Pastor Dave continues this series that looks at the life and lessons of David.

  • Lessons From David: We're Not Giant Killers

    In the classic story of David vs. Goliath, who are we? Spoiler alert: We're not David.

    Pastor Dave continues this series that looks at the life and lessons of David.

  • Lessons From David: Why God Picks Us

    God doesn't look at outward appearances. He looks at something else.

    Pastor Dave kicks off this series that looks at the life and lessons of David.

  • Black History Month: Two-Faced & Not Even Realizing It

    Take a guess on which of Jesus' disciples acted two-faced. We're not that different from this two-faced disciple, because there are pressures we are confronted with from our culture, our community, and our pride. This episode in the four-part series looks at the stresses a person faces as well as...

  • Am I Like Jonah? Figuring Out the Purpose of Life

    God has a default setting. And it is ready for you.

    Pastor Jon continues this series that teaches us what we can learn by looking at Jonah.

  • 10 Commandments: Fifth Commandment

    The Fifth Commandment is pretty straightforward: Do not murder. However, how is murder defined? Pastor Jeremy takes a deep look at this by first defining "life" and addressing common questions we have regarding abortion, end of life, and suicide.

    Additionally, it may surprise us what the Bible ...

  • The Second Commandment

    This commandment teaches us how to use the name of God properly. It also warns us against misusing God's name.

  • Am I Like Jonah? Complaining About God's Grace

    Why does God treat the super faithful the same as the person who defies God?

    Pastor Jon continues this series that teaches us what we can learn by looking at Jonah.

  • Am I Like Jonah? Getting Back on the Right Path

    After we have wandered, how do we get back to where we should be? Spoiler: We don't do it alone.

    Pastor Jon continues this series that teaches us what we can learn by looking at Jonah.

  • Am I Like Jonah? Trying to Outrun God

    Why would God willingly send storms into our lives?

    Pastor Jon continues this series that teaches us what we can learn by looking at Jonah.

  • Am I Like Jonah? Avoiding Responsibility

    Why is it that when we know what we're doing is wrong, we still do it anyway? Now is the time to do what Jonah didn't do.

    Pastor Jon kicks off this series that teaches us what we can learn by looking at Jonah.

  • The First Commandment

    Today we're starting a nine-week study of the Ten Commandments. The First Commandment really addresses what we love most. ... Amber mentioned our Bible basics series, "Bible Breath With Pastor Jeremy Mattek." Watch or listen to Pastor Jeremy teach The Ten Commandments in an easy-to-understand way...

  • Black History Month: It Starts With Those Closest

    This is the first in a four-part series in honor of Black History Month. Let's not shy away from this but use God's Word to reflect, challenge, convict, and liberate us when needed. No matter our race or ethnicity, there are some major lessons to learn from America's history. Be leery: we do not ...

  • 10 Commandments: Fourth Commandment

    We now shift to the commandments around showing our love for God by showing love in our relationships with our neighbors. Pastor Jeremy looks at how the Fourth Commandment is rooted in the principle of authority—and what that means for us.

  • Courage Like Joshua: What Monument Are You Building With Your Life?

    At the end of your life, what do you want people to say about you?

    Pastor Jeremy continues this series that looks at the life of Joshua.

  • Courage Like Joshua: You Can Ask for Miracles

    Be bold with your prayers.

    Pastor Jeremy continues this series that looks at the life of Joshua.