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  • Courage Like Joshua: There's Hope for Those Who Make Mistakes

    Don't make excuses for your mistakes. Own them—and experience God's grace.

    Pastor Jeremy continues this series that looks at the life of Joshua.

  • Courage Like Joshua: Faced With Discouraging Challenges

    What should you do when God tells you to do things that don't make sense?

    Pastor Jeremy continues this series that looks at the life of Joshua.

  • Courage Like Joshua: Overwhelmed but Not Alone

    Do you feel alone in life? Take some encouragement from Joshua.

    Pastor Jeremy starts off this series that looks at the life of Joshua.

  • Highlight Reel This

    Social media has made it even more apparent that we are fascinated with highlights. We can't just blame it on this era though, because it's something that has always intrigued our human nature. It's time to check ourselves to make sure we are not coveting or envying; this would make us undercover...

  • Motherhood: The Sacrifice and the Payoff

    Becoming a mother means there will be significant sacrifices ahead. But they pale in comparison to the payoffs!

    Did you know Little Things was a podcast first? If you don't have time to watch Amber dive into the Bible to help you navigate life's challenges on video, you can listen to her on the ...

  • What if this doesn't work?

    Have you ever put a lot of work into something, but didn't know if was worth the effort? Pastor Mike talks about a verse from 1 Corinthians that is helpful to ease your mind when you question if you're working on the right thing.

  • 10 Commandments: Third Commandment

    God created us to benefit from rest, not just physical rest but also spiritual rest. And that's what God is telling us with the Third Commandment.

  • Apostle Peter: Epic Journey to the End

    When we stumble and wonder how the journey will end, remember how Peter's story ends.

    Pastor Phil continues this series that looks at the life and lessons of Peter.

  • Apostle Peter: Bold Witness (Most of the Time)

    Even if we're just ordinary people, God can still use us. And even if we mess up like Peter, Jesus still shows up.

    Pastor Phil continues this series that looks at the life and lessons of Peter.

  • Apostle Peter: Too Quick to Act

    Are you like Peter: too quick to act?

    Pastor Phil continues this series that looks at the life and lessons of Peter.

  • Apostle Peter: Too Quick to Speak

    We can easily relate to Peter. But are we too much like him by being too quick to speak?

    Pastor Phil continues this series that looks at the life and lessons of Peter.

  • Apostle Peter: Answering the Call

    Do you know what your purpose and calling in life are? Can you be like Peter and follow your calling?

    Pastor Phil starts off this series that looks at the life and lessons of Peter.

  • Motherhood: Love Your Children Well

    This is a reminder not to compare siblings, to let go of expectations, and not to worry about what any other child is doing. Love your child and appreciate all God has done for him or her.

    Did you know Little Things was a podcast first? If you don't have time to watch Amber dive into the Bible ...

  • Behind the Series: ME on Team Jesus?

    It's hard for us to believe, but it's true—Jesus can and does use flawed people like us.

    That's the message of Pastor Mike's new sermon series, "ME on Team Jesus?" Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give a sneak peek as they talk about how Jesus used those who were prideful, stressed, angry, gr...

  • Which Side Are You Picking?

    "Family over everything" is a motto many of us are taught to follow, but what if our family members are wrong? Do we have to side with them? To add to this, picking a side isn't always easy—especially when it goes against the culture or against the majority. The Bible has some examples of both—of...

  • 10 Commandments: Second Commandment

    What does it mean not to misuse God's name? Pastor Jeremy teaches us what God wants us to remember about himself and how to put that into practice.

    Welcome to Bible Breath, our Bible basics series where Pastor Jeremy helps us dig into the Word of God to help us catch our breath for whatever's c...

  • Is There Grace for the Wanderer?

    Do you think that if you wander away from God, he'll leave you?

  • Is There Grace for Those Who Return?

    Is it possible to wander so far from God that you can't return?

  • Is There Grace for Those Who (Mostly) Obey?

    Do you get upset with God's grace shown for others?

  • Are You a Face of Grace?

    Others can get a glimpse of God's grace through you.

  • Pastor Mike on Goals and Rules

    Ever wonder how to set goals for life without burning out? Pastor Mike shares insights from Genesis 1:1.

  • 10 Commandments: Intro to God's Laws

    Why would God give us rules and laws, especially if they're hard to follow perfectly? Pastor Jeremy kicks off this new series on the Ten Commandments by teaching why we have God's laws and how to understand them. Spoiler: God's laws are an act of love.

  • Motherhood: This Is Your Calling

    This is the first episode in a four-part series on motherhood. Today's takeaway: your children are not a mistake. This role you've been given is more than just a hobby or a job. It's a calling.

    Did you know Little Things was a podcast first? If you don't have time to watch Amber dive into the B...

  • Answering Skeptics: Isn't Christianity Just a Crutch for the Weak?

    Yes, Pastor Dave says, there is some truth to the adage that Christianity is for the weak. And there's no shame in admitting that.

    In this series, Pastor Dave looks at questions and objections that people have when it comes to Christianity.