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  • How Do We Know Who's a True Christian?

    Many people say they follow Jesus, but how do we really know?

  • How Do You Honor an Addicted Parent?

    We want to do the right, godly thing and help our addict parents. But it would be so much easier to cut ties with them, especially with all the pain they have caused. Here's Pastor Mike's advice on finding balance on that narrow road of bitterness and having no boundaries.

  • How Do We Know the Trinity Is Real?

    We don't find the word "Trinity" in the Bible. But the concept of three separate people in one God is exactly what the Bible teaches.

  • What Is Spiritual Warfare?

    We are in a constant war zone against the devil, Pastor Mike says. Here's what we need to know in order to fight this battle.

  • 3. Burnout at Work: The Need to Plan for Problems

    How we go about life can contribute to burnout at work. How? Pastor Jared asks: Do we give ourselves enough margin to handle problems?

  • 5. Burnout at Work: Use Stress Positively

    A little bit of stress is actually good because it helps us grow. But too much of it becomes overwhelming. Strike that balance, Pastor Jared says, by remembering that work is God's gift.

  • 1. Burnout at Work: Where It Starts

    Here's a staggering fact: 76 percent of people experience burnout at work. What can we do when we're starting to burn out on the job? Pastor Jared kicks off the series as he reveals where burnout starts and previews four things to remember in order to avoid burnout at work.

  • 4. Burnout at Work: What's Your Greater Purpose?

    How do we connect what we're doing at work to something greater? Especially if what we do feels so meaningless and mundane?

  • 2. Burnout at Work: You Are NOT Your Work

    It's easy to find our identity in our work. But, Pastor Jared warns, that leads to burnout and these two unhealthy consequences. Instead, remember your true identity.

  • 5. "Where's the Good in This for Me?"

    If God promises all things will work out for good, do you find yourself asking, "Where's the good in this FOR ME?" Well, Pastor Matt says, it's not about you.

  • 3. Why God Allows Bad Things in Our Lives

    The hardships in our lives sometimes make us feel like God is punishing us. No, Pastor Matt says, these hardships are because God loves us so much.

  • 4. Where to Turn in Times of Trouble

    What's your default switch when trying to handle life's challenges? What do you do when that switch stops working?

  • 1. God Promises Good Even When There's Bad

    God says he works for our good. What if we're having a really hard time believing that right now, especially during these times of hard financial situations, grief, broken relationships, and failing health?

  • 2. The Kind of Good God Guarantees

    If we think about it, all our problems are "first world problems." Because when Jesus came, it was for our "second world problems." Pastor Matt explains what that means as he also shares how Jesus continues to work for our good today.

  • God's Tools — Holy Communion: Be Prepared

    How do we prepare ourselves to receive all the benefits of Holy Communion? Pastor Jeremy teaches us how in his second lesson on Holy Communion.

  • God's Tools — Holy Communion: A Real Meal

    A few weeks before Jesus commanded Baptism, he gave his disciples a different kind of command: Holy Communion. Pastor Jeremy teaches what it is and what it does—and what Jesus gives us every time we take Holy Communion.

  • 1. The Little Things You Do Matter

    You—yes, YOU—are the answer to someone’s prayer. Pastor Jon uses the story of Samson (and another baby from the Bible) to remind us that God uses us, no matter how small we think we are, to bless others.

  • 5. Stop Tempting Temptation

    So often we find ourselves in situations where we tempt temptation and end up compromising ourselves in sin. Despite our mistakes though, Pastor Jon reminds us of the hope we have in Jesus.

  • 3. Resist Revenge

    The world will attack us with evil. But we don’t overcome evil with revenge and more evil. Instead, Pastor Jon says, we follow Jesus’ example of how to overcome evil.

  • 2. It’s Hard to Follow God’s Demands

    Sometimes we feel like failures because we break the rules God has given us. We can’t follow God perfectly. But that’s why, Pastor Jon says, we look at who God sent us.

  • 4. What Is Your Great Strength?

    You may not think you are doing anything great, but Pastor Jon’s encouragement of what your great strength is may surprise you.

  • God's Tools — Baptism: Changes My Life

    What does it mean to live with Baptism? Pastor Jeremy's second lesson on Baptism helps us understand its significance and its effect on how we live our lives.

  • Pastor Mike's Two Favorite Words

    Pastor Mike talks about his 2 favorite words and where they came from. Hint: they came from one of the toughest topics his church has ever faced.

  • God's Tools — Baptism: Work of God

    Pastor Jeremy starts this two-part lesson on Baptism. He looks at three things: what Baptism is, what it does, and who should be baptized.