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  • Dirty Bible Words: The F-Word

    06.07.24. "Forgiveness" might not seem like an offensive word until we think about what it actually means: giving grace to people who deserve only punishment. Culture would prefer to cancel, label, and dismiss the guilty, but God’s f-word interrupts our system of justice and offers the grace of s...

  • Self-Analyze Your Spirit

    People are told to be self-aware of their thoughts and feelings. There is an even deeper self-analyzation that can take place though: self-analyzing one's spirit. Never underestimate the importance of regular self-examination, questioning one's motives, sins, and being real on where your relation...

  • Seriously, God? God's Nonanswer Is the Answer?

    06.02.24. At the very end of the book of Job, God shows up to talk to Job, who needed an answer to why he had to suffer and endure such unfathomable pain. But spoiler alert: Job never gets an answer. That's because, Pastor Mike says, we need to remember who we are and who God is. . . Transcript: ...

  • Hannah: Her Song, My Song

    In the fourth episode of this eight-part series we'll examine the song Hannah's sang after giving her child to the Lord. This amazing woman of faith has a lot to teach us about who God is and how we look at the world.

  • Seriously, God? God Won't Tell Me Why There's Pain?

    05.24.24. When we're in pain or when tragedy has struck, it's natural to ask, "Why?" But, Pastor Mike warns, demanding an answer to that question can be dangerous. Because when we incorrectly answer it or insist on trying to find out why, it can all go wrong. Instead, reading through the book of...

  • A Special Connection- The #1 Uniter

    What’s the deepest connection that can be forged that can unite us across cultures and continents? Let’s challenge the narratives of division perpetuated by the media and society. In a world seemingly torn apart by race, gender, geographical boundaries, and superficial affiliations, this episode...

  • Hannah: The Desire of Your Heart

    In the third episode of this eight-part series, we learn that the desire of Hannah's heart was to have a son. But when she had a son, she gave him to God. What are the desires of your heart? How do they glorify God?

  • Making Marriage Work: Grace in Marriage

  • Making Marriage Work: What to Look for in a Spouse

    If you're not married, what are you looking for in a spouse? If you are married, what advice would you give?

  • Making Marriage Work: Submission Is Strength

    Submitting to another person is not weakness.

  • Making Marriage Work: You First

    What would happen if the next time you argued with your spouse you put them first?

  • Making Marriage Work: A Husband's Only Job

    God gave instructions to men about how to treat their wives. The only job they have is to love them.

  • Being a Friend Can Get Messy

    It can get messy when you follow Jesus and call out your loved ones. But Pastor Jon encourages, don't be afraid of the mess.

  • How Do I Call Out Others to Change?

    Sometimes God has us bring a difficult message that needs to be heard. But, Pastor Jon says, you need to do something yourself first.

  • God Is Sending ME to Help?

    Do you feel unqualified to help your loved ones in need? Don't let that stop you, Pastor Jon says, because you're actually the perfect person for the job. In fact, you've already been chosen for the job.

  • Who Needs My Help?

    Is there someone in your life who is hurting right now and needs your help? Pastor Jon wants you to be a judge to that person—but not a courtroom judge.

  • 5. Where Is God When I'm Hurting?

    Where in the world is God when we are in pain and hurting? This seemingly minor detail from Jesus on the cross is a stark reminder of how much Jesus feels our pain—and cares for us.

  • 3. Life Hurts. What Does God Expect Me to Do?

    When life hurts, rather than asking what we can expect of God, ask what we should do for God. What does God expect of us when we're hurting?

  • 2. How to See Jesus When We're Hurting

    For those of us who are hurting or who are taking care of those who hurt, through the pain we are reminded Jesus sees us. But, Pastor Jeremy reminds us, take a moment to see Jesus too. Pastor Jeremy helps us do this.

  • 1. Do You Feel Alone in Your Hurt?

    We live in a hurting world. Pastor Jeremy encourages: whatever your hurts, remember you are never alone.

  • Seriously, God? How Am I Supposed to Comfort Others?

    05.17.24. How should we respond when people we care about are in pain? We want to say the right words and do the right things. But we don't know exactly what those right things are, making it easy to get it wrong and cause more pain. Instead, here are two big ideas Pastor Mike shares on what we c...

  • Unapologetically Saved: Exposing the Arrogance Myth

    Are followers of Jesus and those who call themselves Christians arrogant to believe Jesus is the only way? Should Christians be tolerant of other religions and alternate paths? This episode looks at how the enemy may be using these insults and philosophies to lead us to the wrong path and ultimat...

  • Hannah: Leaving It in the Lord's Hands

    In the second episode of this eight-part series on Hannah, Amber looks at an impossible situation and a capable God. We'll see a marked difference in Hannah prior to prayer and after. Because prayer not only changes the situation; it changes us.

  • Check Your Reminiscing and Be Present

    When we drift off and reminisce about our past, we often go back to moments of peak physicality, excitement, and receiving great praise and honor. At times our blasts to the past have us dwelling on past sins and misremembering. In this episode we will explore the ability to remain present and re...