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  • Following Jesus Is Hard: Hope From Israel

    How hard is it to follow Jesus? The rocky hills of Galilee provide a vivid illustration of the difficulties.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at Mount Arbel in Galilee, Pastor Mike shares how following Jesus is hard.

  • Rock-Solid Promises: Hope From Israel

    Those times when you wonder if you're forgiven or loved, remember the God you worship.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike reminds us of the promises of God.

  • What Comes After the Pain? - Hope From Israel

    Jesus warned that the world before his return would be hard and be like birth pains. But remember what comes after birth pains.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike reminds us of how our broken world is not th...

  • When You'll Be Where God Is: Hope From Israel

    This life is so short. So remember the promise of when your time with God will endure forever.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike helps us look forward to what will last forever.

  • Suffer Anyway: Hope From Israel

    If you follow Jesus, many will not love or accept you. But suffer anyway.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike encourages us to look forward to the city that is to come.

  • Are You Worth Climbing Hills For? - Hope From Israel

    God doesn't just care about one lost sheep. He's willing to work for it.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the foot of Mount Arbel in Galilee, Pastor Mike shows us just how hard it is to find one lost sheep.

  • Your Glorious Body: Hope From Israel

    There will be a day when the aches and pains of your body will be no more.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Mount of Olives among Jewish tombs in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike reminds us of our own resurrection when Jesus returns.

  • How Do You Face Temptation? - Hope From Israel

    What can you do when faced with temptation? Frustrate the devil the way Jesus did. Pastor Mike shares how—from near the spot where Jesus was tempted.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in Jerusalem at the Temple Mount, Pastor Mike reminds us how Jesus' obe...

  • You Can't. But He Can. - Hope From Israel

    There are many parts of the Christian life where you feel like you can't. But remember whose help you have so that you can.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in Jerusalem at the Southern Wall of the Temple Mount, Pastor Mike reminds us how the seemingly i...

  • Do People Know You're a Christian? - Hope From Israel

    Letting your light shine isn't just about the amazing things you do. It's so much more.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here where Jesus gave his famous Sermon on the Mount, Pastor Mike reminds us about our role to shine.

  • Don't Be Afraid: Hope From Israel

    If you're anxious and worried, all you need to do is remember the ascension of Jesus.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Chapel of the Ascension near Jerusalem, where many believe Jesus ascended to heaven, Pastor Mike reminds us that Jesus is ruling...

  • The Bible's Simple Message: Hope From Israel

    The Bible can be complicated, especially the book of Revelation. But the message is simple and can be summed up in two words.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at Megiddo, the site where Armageddon will happen, Pastor Mike reminds us how this battle will...

  • Help Us Overcome Our Unbelief: Hope From Israel

    Even if you're a Christian and believe in Jesus, are there some things that are so hard to believe?

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here near Mount Tabor, where many believe Jesus was transfigured, Pastor Mike reminds us of Jesus' patience with us.

  • Can You Be Unforgivable? - Hope From Israel

    Do you wonder if you've crossed the line and are now unforgivable? If so, let the story of Mary Magdalene encourage you.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at Magdala in Galilee, Pastor Mike reminds us of God's amazing forgiveness.

  • God's Protection for You: Hope From Israel

    How amazing is God? Think of him like an ancient city protecting you.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the walls of Jerusalem, Pastor Mike reminds us of how strong God is.

  • What if I've Denied Jesus? - Hope From Israel

    Have you ever denied Jesus? with your words? actions? inactions? If so, the apostle Peter can teach you a lesson.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Church of Saint Peter in Gallicantu in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike reminds us of the encouraging story of...

  • Inches Away From God: Hope From Israel

    You might be just inches away from the beauty of God's kingdom.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the first-century synagogue in Magdala, Pastor Mike helps us see just how close we can be to God.

  • Are You Worthy of God's Love? - Hope From Israel

    If you know you're not worthy of God's love, Pastor Mike says, "Good. You got it right."

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at Magdala in Galilee, Pastor Mike reminds us of Jesus' love for us.

  • You're Not Perfect, and That's Okay: Hope From Israel

    Jesus didn't come for perfect people. So if you've made mistakes in your life, don't panic.

    As we continue to grapple with these turbulent and divisive times, Pastor Mike reminds us of how God loves all his people—people from all walks of life; imperfect, everyday people like us. This series was...

  • How to Satisfy Your Soul: Hope From Israel

    Instead of spending your life building something impressive to get to the presence of God, remember that Jesus just gives it.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at Caesarea Maritima, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Pastor Mike reminds us how our sou...

  • You Can't Impress Jesus: Hope From Israel

    You may not have much to offer Jesus, but that's okay. In fact, that's what Jesus wants.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at Capernaum in Galilee, where Jesus spent a lot of time during his ministry, Pastor Mike reminds us that nothing impresses Jesus.

  • When People Are Different: Hope From Israel

    Sometimes it would be easier if we were all the same. When you see people who are different from you, remember these words . . . and these first-century stones.

    As we continue to grapple with these turbulent and divisive times, Pastor Mike reminds us of how God loves all his people—people from a...

  • How to Walk in Jesus' Footsteps: Hope From Israel

    When you worship, God doesn't want you just to go through the motions.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Southern Steps that led to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike shows us how these steps teach us to stay focused.

  • How Do You Remember God's Promises? - Hope From Israel

    What can you do to write the words of God on the gates that you go in and out of each day?

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Zion Gate, one of the gates that lead into Jerusalem, Pastor Mike helps us find ways to remember God's words and promises.