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  • Good News Just for You: Hope From Israel

    When you feel like your faith isn't where it should be, remember who Jesus' good news is for.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, Pastor Mike reminds us of who Jesus came to save.

  • Jesus Was Exclusive AND Inclusive: Hope From Israel

    The divisions we see in religions, philosophies, and people aren't new. Tensions existed in Jesus' time too. Yet what did God still do?

    As we continue to grapple with these turbulent and divisive times, Pastor Mike reminds us of how God loves all his people—people from all walks of life; imperfe...

  • It's Best When You're Not the Best: Hope From Israel

    God's not looking for the best and the brightest, the smartest nor the strongest. What does that mean for you?

    As we continue to grapple with these turbulent and divisive times, Pastor Mike reminds us of how God loves all his people—people from all walks of life; imperfect, everyday people like ...

  • Jesus Wasn't White: Hope From Israel

    Even back in the first century, the church argued about who God's love is for. Sound familiar?

    Pastor Mike reminds us of how God loves all his people—people from all walks of life; imperfect, everyday people like us. This series was recorded in 2020 when Pastor Mike was in Israel.

  • God Gives You a Powerful Weapon: Hope From Israel

    Do you struggle with lies and negative thoughts that seem to have a stronghold over you? You can overcome these strongholds with something much more powerful.

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the ancient city of Megiddo with its massive walls, Pastor ...

  • You Can See the Joy God Sees: Hope From Israel

    You can enjoy life as God sees it. Joy is even better. Pain is endurable. So how do you get there?

    Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike shows us how we can get closer to God's perspective.

  • Is It Wrong to Give Sinful Children an Inheritance?

    Is it wrong to bless financially those who don't believe in Jesus and won't be good stewards of money?

  • Is the Bible Sexist?

    Is it true that women aren't allowed to hold higher positions in the church? This seems sexist and rudimentary.

  • Is Jesus Actually God?

    Was Jesus just a really good teacher? or prophet? Or are there clues in the Bible that show Jesus is God?

  • How to Love Same-Sex Couples Who Adopt

    What does Christian love look like when it comes to nontraditional families? Especially when the Bible doesn't endorse same-sex relationships?

  • Do You Need to Confess Your Sins to Others?

    Do you have to confess to others in order to be forgiven? Pastor Mike challenges us to think of this question in a different way: SHOULD you confess?

  • Women Are Supposed to Be Silent in Church?

    Say what? The Bible says women can’t speak during church?

    Pastor Mike talks about a sermon series he did looking at God and gender. You can watch that series here:

  • What Do Angels Do?

    What did angels do in the Bible? And what do they do for us today?

  • Can I Get Kicked Out of Heaven?

    Is it possible to get kicked out of heaven?

  • Why Aren't Miracles Big Anymore?

    Why were miracles so big in Jesus' day and not as big and crazy now?

  • How Do We Know the Devil Is a Fallen Angel?

    Where in the Bible does it say that the devil used to be an angel?

  • How Do We Push Through Uncertain Times?

    Things can change so fast. If you want to move forward through hard times, there are two words to know.

  • Is God Leading Me? Or Is It Just My Thoughts?

    How do we know if the Holy Spirit is guiding our thoughts or if it's just our own conscience?

  • Why Are Christians Judgmental?

    How do we break the stereotype of judgmental Christians?

  • How Do I Have Faith While There Is Persecution?

    How do we keep believing in Jesus in the midst of unspeakable horrors being committed against Christians every day?

  • What Does God and the Bible Say About Masturbation?

    Are things of self-pleasure, such as masturbating, harmful to the body since you are the temple of God?

  • What if My Husband Doesn't Want to Be the Head?

    The Bible calls the husband to be the head of the family just like Jesus. But when your husband doesn’t want to fulfill this duty, how can you help him become the man Jesus wants him to be?

  • Is It Bad to Be Friends With Non-Christians?

    The Bible tells us that bad company corrupts good character. But there’s a beautiful tension in the Bible, where Jesus says to love our enemies and love the world. So what's the answer? Is it OK to have non-Christian friends?

  • How Much Money Should I Give the Church?

    What does generosity look like? Pastor Mike flips this issue on its head and warns us not to give TOO much.