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  • 4. Don't Fight Temptation Alone

    Temptation may make you feel like you just can't win, no matter which way you go or how hard you try. But remember that you're not in this fight alone.

  • 3. What Temptation Reveals About You

    Satan's temptations to us are tricky because he takes good things and twists them. How we react reveals a lot about us.

  • 2. What Does It Take to Defeat Temptation?

    Are you strong enough to resist temptation? Actually, Pastor Jeremy says, your victory over temptation does NOT depend on the strength of your faith.

  • 5. You Don't Need to Be Afraid of Temptation

    You will continue to go through the reality of battling temptations. And you'll want to seek protection from them. But, Pastor Jeremy reminds us, don't forget about this reality of what's already been done for you.

  • God the Son: Our Conqueror

    Death is a powerful thing. But Jesus is even more powerful than death. How? Pastor Jeremy looks at how Jesus was victorious for us and victorious with us.

  • God the Son: Our Redeemer

    Have you ever wondered how much someone would be willing to pay for you? Well, someone already paid a ransom for you. Here's why.

  • God the Son: Our Substitute

    God is three persons in one. In this video Pastor Jeremy looks at God the Son and how he is not like anyone. Yet, he is just like us—both requirements in order for him to save us.

  • God the Father: Our Creator

    Pastor Jeremy continues answering the question, "Who is God?" by looking at God's creation of the world and us, while also looking at the theory of evolution.

  • What Does the Bible Tell Us About God?

    Just who is God? This third series of Bible Breath answers that question. And in this first episode, Pastor Jeremy teaches us what the Bible tells us about God: he's real, he's good, and he's different.

  • God the Father: Our Provider and Protector

    Who is God? He's our heavenly Father, and he's what a father ought to be: our provider and protector. Pastor Jeremy teaches how God provides for us even when it seems impossible and how God physically protects us.

  • 1. Key Concepts: How Sin Affects Me

    Sin. That's a big, heavy word. It's also important to know what it is as you read and understand the Bible. To kick off this second series of Bible Breath, Pastor Jeremy takes a close look at sin in order to answer these key questions: How did everything get so messed up? Why is everything still ...

  • 2. Key Concepts: How Grace Saves Me

    In the previous video about sin, Pastor Jeremy talked about why and how everything got so messed up. In this video, he reveals God's solution to sin—grace—and how it is good news for everyone.

  • 3. Key Concepts: Why I Need Faith

    Every religion has a component of faith, right? So what makes the Christian faith different? Pastor Jeremy answers that by teaching what faith is, why it's needed, how it works, and how we get it.

  • 4. Key Concepts: Why I Should Do Good Works

    If God's grace—his undeserved love—saves us, then why do we still need to do good works? Pastor Jeremy helps us understand the role of good works in our lives by looking at what good works aren't, what they are, why they're so important, and how we can get better at them.

  • 3. How Do I Read the Bible?

    In many ways, the Bible is just like any book; it has a message to convey. But in many other ways, it is very different from a typical book. Which is why it's so important to know how to read the Bible. Pastor Jeremy gives you seven tips to reading the Bible!

  • 1. What Is the Bible?

    Anything can happen to expose the foundation we're on. The question is: Is our foundation strong so we don't feel so fragile in life? Here's some good news for you. The Bible is that foundation. Learn more about what the Bible is and how it can help you find solid footing.

  • 2. What Does the Bible Say?

    What are the two main messages of the Bible? They involve rules and good news.

  • 1. How Do You Find Happiness?

    We all desire to be happy. So how do we get happiness? What's the source of real happiness?

  • 1. Are Demons Real?

    Demons are real. We see this throughout the Bible. But we also see who's more powerful than them.

  • 4. How to Help Those Who Are Hurting

    What can you do for someone who is struggling with anxiety and depression?

  • 2. Where's the Hope in a Hopeless Situation?

    When it feels like this troubled world has gotten to you, where can you turn to for hope?

  • 1. Is It Wrong to Feel Anxiety?

    Do you struggle with anxiety? Do you wonder if it's a sin?

  • 5. The Secret to Joy

    How do you become filled with joy when you're dealing with anxiety and depression?

  • 3. The Path to the True Pursuit of Happiness

    Sometimes we're so focused on the temporary bits of pleasure that we forget the source of true happiness.