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  • Unapologetically Saved: Exposing the Arrogance Myth

    Are followers of Jesus and those who call themselves Christians arrogant to believe Jesus is the only way? Should Christians be tolerant of other religions and alternate paths? This episode looks at how the enemy may be using these insults and philosophies to lead us to the wrong path and ultimat...

  • Hannah: Leaving It in the Lord's Hands

    In the second episode of this eight-part series on Hannah, Amber looks at an impossible situation and a capable God. We'll see a marked difference in Hannah prior to prayer and after. Because prayer not only changes the situation; it changes us.

  • Check Your Reminiscing and Be Present

    When we drift off and reminisce about our past, we often go back to moments of peak physicality, excitement, and receiving great praise and honor. At times our blasts to the past have us dwelling on past sins and misremembering. In this episode we will explore the ability to remain present and re...

  • Hannah: A Woman in Agony

    In this first episode on Hannah, Amber looks at the sad particulars of Hannah's life at the beginning of 1 Samuel. If you've struggled with an issue for years and even have to deal with people who taunt you or make it worse, you will relate to Hannah. Amber discusses the best course of action if ...

  • Just Walk With God

    Happy Mother's Day! Today we'll look at the last few verses of Proverbs 31 to guide us in our motherhood journeys.

  • Behind the Series: Seriously, God?

    Pop quiz: The book of Job is about _____?

    Pastor Mike's answer might surprise you. In fact, it almost resulted in Amber getting into a car accident.

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give us the goods behind May's sermon series, "Seriously, God?" which looks at the book of Job. They talk abou...

  • Uncompromised Leadership: Calling Out Missteps for the Sake of Truth

    In this episode we'll look at leadership, specifically spiritual leadership and what should be prioritized. The apostle Paul confronted a big-time leader and emphasized the importance of holding leaders accountable. There is an urgency to confronting error within leadership, even when it means ch...

  • Seriously, God? I Should Praise God Even Though I'm Hurting?

    05.10.24 When life is hard and it doesn't feel like God is doing enough to relieve us of the pain, we start to question God and his love for us. But, Pastor Mike warns, to do that is exactly what the devil wants. Instead, we can follow the example of a man named Job who suffered a level of pain ...

  • Seriously, God? This Is Why God Lets Me Suffer?

    05.03.24 If God has the power to end all our pain and provide answers for all the hurt we've been through, why doesn't he? Why does he let bad things happen to good people? Pastor Mike takes these often-asked questions, flips them, and challenges us to examine our motives: Why do we love God? Or...

  • Are You Inviting Demons?

    In this episode, C.L. dives into the often overlooked but profound reality of spiritual warfare. You've probably heard or been a part of discussions about bad energy and negativity. However, C.L. asks the more pointed and real underlying question: Are we unknowingly welcoming demons into our live...

  • You're Not Alone in Your Suffering

    Whatever we're suffering, whatever we're going through, whatever the depths of our pain, there's one thing we know about it: how God responded.

  • Suffering Serves You Well

    There are so many distractions in this world that drive us away from God. How does God bring us back? Pastor Jeremy's answer may surprise you.

  • Why Is This World Full of Trouble?

    God didn't tell us to expect an easy life in this world. But he did promise there would be trouble—and tell us how to overcome that trouble.

  • Why Does God Allow Suffering?

    Why does God allow you to suffer? There's one particular way he promises to use all your suffering and all your hurt.

  • Determine Your Worth

    How do you determine your worth? Especially to God?

  • Thomas Moments: Embracing Doubt While Seeking Truth

    Where do we go for answers during periods of doubt? Where we look for answers matters, and sometimes we create more doubt by looking to the wrong places for answers. Thomas, one of the 12 apostles, is known for his doubt. However, there are some very practical themes we can highlight and learn fr...

  • "You Can Trust God When Life Hurts" Sneak Peek

    Today I'm giving you a sneak peek at my book that comes out this week. We'll explore a few of the themes, including the blessings that come from trusting God when the storms of life are raging.

  • You Can Trust God Even When Life Hurts

    Linda Buxa will switch spots with Amber today! They'll discuss Amber's latest book and how we can trust in God's faithfulness even if we're in a life storm, have a prodigal, have lost a loved one, or are facing death ourselves.

  • Forgotten Blessings

    04.26.24 How blessed we feel may depend on what we consider to be blessings, which means we may forget that we have blessings right in front of us every day. Pastor Mike challenges us to shift our mindset and open our eyes to the really good things from God that we often don't think about. In tur...

  • Time Travel Lessons

    Lessons of life are beyond valuable. In this episode, imagine you can time travel to share lessons with yourself or another loved one. The lessons in this episode will help you appreciate some of the things you have held on to dearly, question some philosophies you are living by, and appreciate t...

  • The Nuts and Bolts of Starting a Moms Group

    Have you ever thought about starting a moms group? Or are you parenting but feeling lonely in the journey? I interviewed Bethany Lehman, who started the moms group at her church, The CORE in Appleton, Wisconsin. She'll tell us the nuts and bolts of getting started, walk us through some of the cha...

  • Make Sure This Is Good and It Stays Good

    Are you constantly chasing career advancements at the expense of your foundational values? In this episode, C.L. will use biblical wisdom to explore the dangers of neglecting certain relationships, faith, and personal integrity in the pursuit of success. Listen in as he uncovers the keys to achie...

  • Burned Out? Emotionally

    04.19.24. There are three lies we fall for that lead to burnout: we need to be perfect, we must make everyone happy, and thinking we're “fine.” Pastor Mike tackles these lies head-on, helping us replace them with truths from God’s Word... Transcript:

  • Behind the Series: Burned Out?

    How do you personally answer this question: How have you been? If your answer is "Busy!" then this episode is for you. Because you may be on the verge of burnout. Or maybe you're already burned out.

    Pastor Mike and Amber share a sneak peek of the next TV message series, "Burned Out?", giving us ...