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  • 4. Help Those in War Stand Firm

    How can we help those in the midst of war to stand firm in their faith?

  • 5. But I'd Rather Be in Heaven

    Wouldn't it be easier just to leave this broken world and finally be in heaven? Though we long for heaven, Pastor Caleb says, "Not so fast."

  • 4. But It Seems God's Not Doing Anything

    When we look at the world around us and all we see is darkness closing in, is God working?

  • 3. What's Our Purpose in a Broken World?

    How do we find joy in a broken world that keeps getting more broken each day? Spoiler: We can't do it alone.

  • 2. Can I Just Ignore the News?

    The 24-hour news cycle makes information available all the time, tempting us to put our heads in the sand and ignore all the bad news. But that's not the answer, Pastor Caleb says. Instead, remember that we already have so much going for us.

  • 1. Where's the Joy in Our Broken World?

    Our world is filled with brokenness and uncertainty. But we have an incredible promise that can't be taken away.

  • How Do We Push Through Uncertain Times?

    Things can change so fast. If you want to move forward through hard times, there are two words to know.

    This week, Pastor Mike answers tough questions from viewers like you.

  • Women Are Supposed to Be Silent in Church?

    Say what? The Bible says women can’t speak during church?

    Pastor Mike answers tough questions from viewers like you.

  • What Do Angels Do?

    What did angels do in the Bible? And what do they do for us today?

    This week, Pastor Mike answers tough questions from viewers like you.

  • What if My Husband Doesn't Want to Be the Head?

    The Bible calls the husband to be the head of the family just like Jesus. But when your husband doesn’t want to fulfill this duty, how can you help him become the man Jesus wants him to be?

    Pastor Mike answers tough questions from viewers like you.

  • Is It Bad to Be Friends With Non-Christians?

    The Bible tells us that bad company corrupts good character. But there’s a beautiful tension in the Bible, where Jesus says to love our enemies and love the world. So what's the answer? Is it OK to have non-Christian friends?

    Pastor Mike answers tough questions from viewers like you.

  • Motherhood: Choose Your Ordinary Well

    You are establishing what your children consider normal: the language you use, the way you respond to adversity and stress, the amount of sleep you get. Make sure the "normals" you give your children are the ones that will serve them well as children of God.

    Did you know Little Things was a pod...

  • 10 Commandments: First Commandment

    It's okay to love the things in our lives. But do we find ourselves loving these things more than God? Pastor Jeremy teaches us about the First Commandment and the dangers of idolatry.

  • How to organize your content

  • Welcome to Vimeo OTT