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  • The Lord's Prayer: Your Kingdom Come

    In the third episode of this eight-part series, Amber discusses what God's kingdom is and what our part is in making it come. She discusses God's rule and reign in our hearts and bringing the good news about Jesus to others.

    Amber also mentions Time of Grace's upcoming women's event: "Unbreakab...

  • Who Can I Turn to for Help?

    How many people would it take to give you the help that you need? Pastor Caleb encourages you not to lose sight of the fact that, regardless of the number, there are people who are meant to be around you.

    This week Pastor Caleb helps us get ready for Easter by reflecting on the effects of Easter...

  • What Gives My Life Meaning?

    Are you still trying to find something to give your life meaning and purpose? Don't look for it in success.

    This week Pastor Caleb helps us get ready for Easter by reflecting on the effects of Easter in our lives.

  • I Sometimes Doubt My Faith

    It's natural to have doubts about your faith. But what if you're stuck with those questions and get no answers? Know that God does give answers.

    This week Pastor Caleb helps us get ready for Easter by reflecting on the effects of Easter in our lives.

  • But I've Made Big Mistakes

    What do you do when you look at the biggest mistakes of your life? Yes, there are ramifications. But there is something much greater too.

    This week Pastor Caleb helps us get ready for Easter by reflecting on the effects of Easter in our lives.

  • What About My Dark Thoughts?

    The world is filled with anger, hatred, and darkness. Some of our own thoughts can be dark. But what if someone told you that the darkness has already been defeated?

    This week Pastor Caleb helps us get ready for Easter by reflecting on the effects of Easter in our lives.

  • 2. Jesus' Shocking Sound Bites: "The Door to Heaven Is Narrow"

    The door to heaven is narrow. But it is also wide open for us. How?

  • Do You Love Second-Chance Stories?

    Do you get annoyed when you hear about someone wasting a second or third chance? The Bible is full of second-chance stories. How many chances have you been given? Do you ever worry that you might run out of chances? This episode shows that when God gives second chances, it's different from when w...

  • The Lord's Prayer: Holy Be Your Name

    In the second episode of this eight-part series, Amber talks about what God's name entails, how we misuse it, and how we can use it in such a way to bring honor to God.

    Amber also mentions Time of Grace's upcoming women's event: "Unbreakable: Finding Strength to Face the Storms." Learn more and...

  • Behind the Series: Jesus #nofilter

    If we actually read the words of Jesus in the book of John and take off the filter, we see just how offensive Jesus' words are.

    That's the premise of Pastor Mike's new series, "Jesus #nofilter." Amber Albee Swenson joins Pastor Mike to give us a preview of what to expect. Somehow the two also e...

  • Child Worship: The New Religion of Our Culture

    Parents love their children so much that at times it becomes a form of worship. If you have a child, plan on having children, or are a son or daughter, then this is a great episode for you. C.L. examines what forms of child worship you may be participating in and helps you understand how to guard...

  • Whose Truth Do I Trust? The Church's Truth?

    02.16.24 If our hearts can deceive us and the world can mislead us, certainly the church is a good source of truth. Well . . . maybe. Since the hearts of church leaders can be deceived and many people can follow their teaching, how do we know we can trust the church? Pastor Mike explores what we ...

  • Behind the Series: Whose Truth Do I Trust?

    How do we know what's true in today's world? With so many versions of "truth" coming at us, how do we know what to believe?

    Pastor Mike is joined by special guest C.L. Whiteside, host of one of our podcasts, "The Non-Microwaved Truth." Pastor Mike and C.L. give us some context and great discussi...

  • Whose Truth Do I Trust? Their Truth?

    02.09.24 Think of the top two to three voices that get your attention the most: the cable news networks, talk radio shows, podcasts, friends, family members, pastors, teachers. Now, Pastor Mike challenges, are these voices sources of truth you can trust? How do you know? Pastor Mike looks to the ...

  • Marriage 101: Let's Talk About Sex

    In the fourth and final episode of our marriage series, we'll discuss sex, the role it plays in marriage, God's design for it, and helpful resources and tips if you're struggling in the bedroom.

    Amber also mentions Time of Grace's women's event, "Unbreakable: Finding Strength to Face the Storms...

  • Can You Push the Button?

    If you had the fate of someone's life in your hands or had to make a decision that went against what everyone wanted, could you do it? Making decisions can be draining. Making tough decisions is even more draining. There are some people in the Bible we can definitely learn from when it comes to m...

  • Taboo: Topics Christians Should Be Talking About but Don't

    We're talking about all the things Christians rarely talk about with special guest Pastor Mike Novotny, lead speaker for Time of Grace. His new book "Taboo: Topics Christians Should Be Talking About but Don't" will challenge you to go where you may not be comfortable going. But no worries! He'll ...

  • Mix Carefully & Beware of the Hijack

    Have you ever heard the phrase "live in the world but don't be of the world"? What does that mean for a Christian? Does this mean you can't celebrate any holidays? Can a Christian still represent God if culture or traditions are mixed in? There are a few things you always need to keep in mind so ...

  • Standing on Business ... For God

    Do you "stand on business" for God? You may be wondering what that even means. But whether you know what it means or not, you are standing for a number of things you may not even be aware of. C.L. discusses why you might want to make sure you are standing for God and what standing for God can do ...

  • Whose Truth Do I Trust? My Truth?

    02.02.24. “Be true to yourself.” That message is found everywhere in today's culture. Since churches, religions, and families are so obviously flawed, we are taught to turn inward in order to find what is true, beautiful, and right. But how do we sift through the countless and oftentimes conflict...

  • Marriage 101: Grow Together

    In the third episode of our marriage series, we'll discuss the goal of growing together instead of growing apart. This takes concerted effort, but it's not impossible. In fact, it can be fun!

  • Jesus Doesn't Make Sense: Why Is He Generous to Me?

    Why does God love us when he knows all we've done? Why does he continue to be generous with us?

    In this series, Pastor Jon looks at Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine—and how it helps us understand God's actions in our lives.

  • Jesus Doesn't Make Sense: Why Is He Asking Me to Do This?

    There are times when life is filled with pain, anxiety, and stress. And yet, Jesus asks us to do things that don't make sense. Why?

    In this series, Pastor Jon looks at Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine—and how it helps us understand God's actions in our lives.

  • Jesus Doesn't Make Sense: Where Is He When I Need Him?

    Does it feel like God's timing just doesn't make sense? If we're waiting for God to intervene when we need him most and yet nothing happens, it's easy to feel forgotten.

    In this series, Pastor Jon looks at Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine—and how it helps us understand God's actions in...