Be an Unsung Hero of Faith

Be an Unsung Hero of Faith

Pastor Phil uses some great but often overlooked people of the Bible to help us in our walk of faith.

Be an Unsung Hero of Faith
  • 1. Be an Unsung Hero of Faith: The Friend

    Do you have a friend like Elihu from the book of Job? Someone who encourages you to go back to God? Or, Pastor Phil challenges, who can you be an Elihu to?

  • 2. Be an Unsung Hero of Faith: The Wise

    If you're feeling overwhelmed with life, find a Jethro—Moses' father-in-law who imparted wisdom during some of Moses' most challenging times—to give you guidance and encouragement. At the same time, Pastor Phil says, be like Jethro for someone else.

  • 3. Be an Unsung Hero of Faith: The Sinner

    No matter who you are or what you've done, let the story of Rahab the prostitute remind you that God can use you for his purpose.

  • 4. Be an Unsung Hero of Faith: The Unwavering

    Even if you haven't been thrown into a fiery furnace like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, you have stood the test of fires before. Remember what's true when you face the fires.

  • 5. Be an Unsung Hero of Faith: The Brave

    How will God use you? The story of Esther and her cousin Mordecai shows us how God uses his people in unexpected ways for his great plans.