Behind the Series: Sneak Peek at Pastor Mike's Upcoming Sermon Series!

Behind the Series: Sneak Peek at Pastor Mike's Upcoming Sermon Series!

Behind the Series: Sneak Peek at Pastor Mike's Upcoming Sermon Series!
  • Behind the Series: Confusing Things Christians Say

    What exactly does "born again" mean? How about "a relationship, not a religion"?

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson dissect some of the phrases Christians often say—but may not know what they mean—as they preview the next six-part TV message series, "Confusing Things Christians Say." Other phra...

  • Behind the Series: Why the Bible Matters

    Get ready for a special, one-of-a-kind series!

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give a sneak peek at our next sermon series that was shot on location from the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C.! In this new three-part series, "Why the Bible Matters," Pastor Mike dives deep into the Bible...

  • Behind the Series: Mad at God

    Spoiler alert: the book of Jonah is NOT about a big fish.

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson talk about what the book of Jonah IS actually about: God's love for his people. In their deep dive discussion, they also found ways to talk about poisonous frogs, how we can avoid falling into political...

  • Behind the Series: Jesus' Growth Plan for Me

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give us a preview of the next TV message series, "Jesus' Growth Plan for Me." While discussing Jesus' parables that this series is based on, we also learn of the "mustard seed moments" that changed both Mike's and Amber's lives (both involve their moms), what A...

  • Behind the Series: Dirty Bible Words

    "Dirty words" in the Bible? Yes, and you may be surprised what the words are.

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson discuss Pastor Mike's new upcoming sermon series, "Dirty Bible Words." They also work into the conversation how Amber may be running for president, how Pastor Mike's love of peach ri...

  • Behind the Series: Seriously, God?

    Pop quiz: The book of Job is about _____?

    Pastor Mike's answer might surprise you. In fact, it almost resulted in Amber getting into a car accident.

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give us the goods behind May's sermon series, "Seriously, God?" which looks at the book of Job. They talk abou...

  • Behind the Series: Burned Out?

    How do you personally answer this question: How have you been? If your answer is "Busy!" then this episode is for you. Because you may be on the verge of burnout. Or maybe you're already burned out.

    Pastor Mike and Amber share a sneak peek of the next TV message series, "Burned Out?", giving us ...

  • Behind the Series: Jesus #nofilter

    If we actually read the words of Jesus in the book of John and take off the filter, we see just how offensive Jesus' words are.

    That's the premise of Pastor Mike's new series, "Jesus #nofilter." Amber Albee Swenson joins Pastor Mike to give us a preview of what to expect. Somehow the two also e...

  • Behind the Series: Whose Truth Do I Trust?

    How do we know what's true in today's world? With so many versions of "truth" coming at us, how do we know what to believe?

    Pastor Mike is joined by special guest C.L. Whiteside, host of one of our podcasts, "The Non-Microwaved Truth." Pastor Mike and C.L. give us some context and great discussi...

  • Behind the Series: How to Deal

    It's 2024! We kick off the new year with this series that looks at how we deal—with ourselves, with people, with anxiety, and with shame.

    Pastor Mike also mentions our brand new resource this month, "How to Fight Anxiety With Joy" by Linda Buxa. This 28-day guide shares daily devotions filled wi...

  • Behind the Series: Is Christ in Your Christmas Carols?

    Where is Jesus in some of our favorite Christmas carols?

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give us a sneak peek at the next TV message series, "Is Christ in Your Christmas Carols?" In the course of their conversation, we learn that one classic carol isn't actually about Christmas but instead J...

  • Behind the Series: Choose Gratitude Over Grumbling

    How do we avoid the constant temptation to grumble and gripe, especially as we get closer to Thanksgiving?

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give us a preview of November's TV message series, "Choose Gratitude Over Grumbling." Listen and learn how we can keep our perspective of God in the righ...

  • Behind the Series: Screens & Souls

    What is the impact of technology on our lives? More important, what's the impact on our spiritual lives?

    That's the big idea behind Pastor Mike's new sermon series, "Screens & Souls." Pastor Mike and Amber give us a sneak peek, talking about technology's blessings, its bad things, and the bounda...

  • Behind the Series: God's Blueprint for a Happy Home

    Marriage, living together before marriage, and adultery.

    Pastor Mike takes a look at what God says about how to have happy and holy homes in his next sermon series, "God's Blueprint for a Happy Home." Pastor Mike and Amber preview this series and also find ways to discuss Pastor Mike's camping ...

  • Behind the Series: What Is Love?

    How do you even tackle a subject as big as love, especially when considering that God is love?

    Pastor Mike and Amber give us a sneak peek at August's TV message series, "What Is Love?" Pastor Mike and Amber talk about whether love should be tough or tender—with Pastor Mike and Amber each reveali...

  • Behind the Series: Abuse: What Does God Say?

    Abuse. Pastor Mike and Amber talk about this common but hush-hush topic, previewing Pastor Mike's next sermon series, "Abuse: What Does God Say?"

    This series first ran in 2021 but, as Pastor Mike says, we're rerunning the series because the topic is still relevant and affects a lot of people tod...

  • Behind the Series: What's the Point?

    Combine palace intrigue with wondering about purpose and seeing how God works in unexpected ways—that's the book of Esther.

    Pastor Mike's new sermon series is a six-part look at the book of Esther. He is joined by Amber Albee Swenson as they give us a preview of this new series, "What's the Poi...

  • Behind the Series: Trends vs. Truth

    Repetition has a way of making things sound true, but what's trending isn't always entirely true.

    That's what Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson dive into as they give us a sneak peek of the new sermon series, "Trends vs. Truth." This new five-part series will look at these popular sayings: "G...

  • Behind the Series: Hard Words, Loving Truths

    There are two key teachings in the Bible, and the temptation for Christians is to pick one teaching at the expense of the other. Learning how to fully embrace both teachings is the message of Pastor Mike's new sermon series, "Hard Words, Loving Truths."

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give u...

  • Behind the Series: Don't Miss Moments

    Don't miss what moments? Don't miss the big moments of Jesus' life and what he was all about—and what it means for us. That's the premise of Pastor Mike's new sermon series, "Don't Miss Moments."

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson dive into the ideas behind this new series (it started with some...

  • Behind the Series: ME on Team Jesus?

    It's hard for us to believe, but it's true—Jesus can and does use flawed people like us.

    That's the message of Pastor Mike's new sermon series, "ME on Team Jesus?" Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give a sneak peek as they talk about how Jesus used those who were prideful, stressed, angry, gr...

  • Behind the Series: What Was I Thinking?

    How often do you feel the need to think about what you're thinking about?

    That's the premise of Pastor Mike's new upcoming sermon series, What Was I Thinking? Pastor Mike and Amber dive into this four-part series that looks at whether what we're thinking matches with what God's thinking. In the...