Burned Out?

Burned Out?

Burned Out?
  • Burned Out? Emotionally

    04.19.24. There are three lies we fall for that lead to burnout: we need to be perfect, we must make everyone happy, and thinking we're “fine.” Pastor Mike tackles these lies head-on, helping us replace them with truths from God’s Word... Transcript: https://bit.ly/4aMK8Zz

  • What Do You Do When Someone Won't Forgive You?

    Whether it's because of a messy divorce or complicated family issues, what can you do when the people who are supposed to forgive you won't forgive you?

  • Burned Out? Spiritually

    04.12.24 Just like our bodies need food and rest to avoid crashing and burning, our souls need the rest of Jesus and the food of his Word. By fixing our eyes on the invisible gospel and the glory that is ours through Jesus, we are inwardly renewed day by day, the spiritual fuel that we need to t...

  • Burned Out? Physically

    04.05.24 You are not an angel. You are not a spiritual being who has no need to eat, move, or sleep. We humans are human, body-and-soul beings that God created to function in specific ways. Fighting burnout often begins with recognizing this reality and organizing our lives according to it, which...