Dirty Bible Words

Dirty Bible Words

Some words are inappropriate for public use. That's what we were taught as kids about the f-word, the s-word, the d-word, and others. Modern culture has its own list of dirty words, which the Bible is unashamed to say and say loudly. This series speaks those words—forgiveness, submission, doctrine, hell—and refuses to let truth be lost in our warm-and fuzzy affirming world.

Dirty Bible Words
  • Dirty Bible Words: H-E-L-L

    06.28.24. Hell is a relic from a fear-based, fire-and-brimstone age, a cruel tool used by church authorities to maintain power and control. So why did Jesus himself mention it so much? Why is he the number-one user of the word “hell” in the entire Bible? Why was he unembarrassed to talk about fi...

  • Dirty Bible Words: The F-Word

    06.07.24. "Forgiveness" might not seem like an offensive word until we think about what it actually means: giving grace to people who deserve only punishment. Culture would prefer to cancel, label, and dismiss the guilty, but God’s f-word interrupts our system of justice and offers the grace of s...

  • Dirty Bible Words: The S-Word

    06.14.24. Asking us to submit is seen as the most offensive idea of our day. To submit to political power, the "head of the household," or organized religion betrays America's strongest and highest value of "my truth." But the God of love, law, and order disagrees. He calls us to submit to him, t...

  • Dirty Bible Words: The D-Word

    06.21.24. Say “damn” in mixed company and few will blink. Say “doctrine” and most will stare. According to contemporary culture, doctrine is something archaic, oppressive, and unhealthy for our souls. But Pastor Mike pushes us today to think about doctrine more critically as we ask ourselves, "Wh...