God Has Been Good, 12/31/23
God has been good to you this past year, and he will be good to you in the year to come.
It's God's Salvation, 12/30/23
Salvation is God's gift to us. He does all the work. We receive all the benefits.
God Looks in Your Direction, 12/29/23
We don't have to wonder what's in God's heart when he sees us. It's always love. Always.
Jesus Hurts Too, 12/28/23
When sorrow is a regular companion in your life, remember the loving way Jesus responds to it.
God Is Paying Attention—to You, 12/27/23
Waiting is hard, especially when the wait brings any amount of hurt or pain. The angels' visit to the shepherds reminds us that God sees us with love.
God's Love Is Forever, 12/26/23
We can fear many things over the course of our lives. God will lovingly protect us from those fears and bring us safely home to be with him.
God's Word Is Flawless, 12/25/23
Whatever promise God makes, God keeps.
God Helps, 12/24/23
Sometimes we feel alone in our faith, even at Christmas. Jesus was born into our world so we would never have to be alone again.
You Will See God's Face, 12/23/23
We enjoy seeing the faces of the people we love. How much more will we enjoy seeing the face of the God who loves us.
God Is Our Foundation, 12/22/23
What should we do when something important is suddenly gone? Remember that God is our foundation—and the only one we need.
God Is All We Need, 11/23/23
Every part of your life is under God's loving care—from beginning to end.
God Takes Action, 11/22/23
God does not ignore you. He does not forget you.
Praise God for the Victory, 11/21/23
The things that weigh us down the most will one day be entirely forgotten.
The Lord Is Yours, 11/20/23
The Lord has given you a significant gift: himself.
Everything's Under Control, 11/19/23
Jesus rules over everything in your life with perfect love.
Jesus Knows Your Life, 11/18/23
Jesus is with you through the highs and lows.
God Cares, 11/17/23
Jesus is dealing with your concerns.
God Is Mindful of You, 11/16/23
Of all the things God can do, he chooses to give his greatest love and attention to you.
Consider God's Fingers, 11/15/23
Our fingers can do so much. Imagine what the fingers of God can do!
Your Praise Is Powerful, 11/14/23
God accomplishes something significant through the praise of his children, even the smallest ones.
Look Up, 11/13/23
King David teaches us something Jesus also modeled—the bigger perspective on our lives.
God's Name Is Majestic, 11/12/23
God's name is his reputation. He wants to be known as a powerful God who loves you.
His Peace Is Real, 4/9/23
Jesus promises peace, and peace is what we find on Easter.
Think of Jesus, 4/8/23
Thinking of Jesus—his life and his work—is the key to confidence.