God Is Your Shield, 4/7/23
On Good Friday, our innocent Savior was punished in our place.
Jesus Knew Everything, 4/6/23
Jesus knows all that troubles our hearts. He knows how to comfort us so we are troubled no longer.
Jesus Knows You, 4/5/23
You may never be able to comprehend all that Jesus suffered. But you can rest in the assurance that Jesus knows you well and will always care for you perfectly.
Your Salvation Is Coming, 4/4/23
God knows we need saving. This is why he sent Jesus.
The Passion of Jesus, 4/3/23
You never need to doubt God's passionate love for you.
Jesus Weeps Too, 4/2/23
Palm Sunday shows us the heart of Jesus for sinners.
The Voice of Life, 4/1/23
In Jesus, believers never really lose their voices. We praise God forever.
The Lord Turns Toward You, 3/31/23
Jesus turned toward the cross so we could live confident of God's love for us.
Hear the Voice of Jesus, 3/30/23
Jesus speaks to us uniquely through the Psalms.
God Corrects With Love, 3/29/23
We don't fear God's correction. We welcome it because he always corrects with love.
Music for the Soul, 3/28/23
God does something special with music. Even Jesus and his disciples enjoyed its benefits.
Surrounded by God's Favor, 3/27/23
Because God's favor surrounds you, you're always in a favorable position in life.
God's Name Is Your Joy, 3/26/23
Your joy is great when you remember who your God is.
The Lord's Love Is Great, 3/25/23
God's work for you through Christ, not your own work, is your reason for confidence.
God Loves You in Christ, 3/24/23
God took out his anger against us on Christ Jesus. You've never received a better and more gracious gift.
Wait in Expectation, 3/23/23
Waiting is hard. But you never have to wait to know God cares for you.
Always Safe With Your King, 3/22/23
You're always safe in the everlasting care of King Jesus.
God Hears Your Sighs, 3/21/23
You don't have to have life all figured out. God oversees it all with perfect love.
Only God Can, 3/20/23
Stop trying to give yourself what only God can provide.
Your Greater Joy Is Coming, 3/19/23
Your greatest joys aren't in the past. They're still coming.
Guard Your Heart, 3/18/23
Pay attention to what's going on in your heart—as you remember how Jesus has cleansed your heart of sin.
God Is Listening, 3/17/23
Don't give up praying. Your loving heavenly Father is listening.
Your Glory Is Coming, 3/16/23
One day everyone will see that the Savior you hope in has always loved you.
Your Spacious Place, 3/15/23
God knows you need relief. He alone knows how to provide it.