God Has Always Been All About You, 12/21/22
God has always been, and will always be, there for you.
There's Always Hope, 12/20/22
Christmas can be tough on some relationships. Go to Jesus, and there will always be hope.
Your Mission: Be You, 12/19/22
You are everything God says you are in Christ Jesus. Your mission is to be that person.
You Are the One God Sees, 12/18/22
Every last detail of your life is known to your Father in heaven, who loves you.
You Are a Blessing, 12/17/22
You're making an important impact on the world exactly where you are, exactly as you are.
You Belong to God, 12/16/22
You're never an outsider to God. Because of Jesus, you're forever in God's family.
Nothing Gets the Best of You, 12/15/22
God sees when you've been hurt. What they did to you won't get the best of you.
Live With No Regrets, 12/14/22
When regret visits your heart, send it packing with the reminder that you're forgiven in Jesus.
Jesus Knows Your Needs, 12/13/22
Jesus knows you. He knows your needs. He will not fail to provide.
It's All True, 12/12/22
Though it's sometimes hard to believe God's promises, they all truly do apply to you.
The Lord Is Your Shade, 12/11/22
Are you tired? Rest in the shade of God's everlasting love for you.
You Should Pray, 12/10/22
God is real. God is powerful. God is listening.
Jesus Sees Your Faith, 12/9/22
When no one seems to care about your faith, remember that Jesus stands up for it and celebrates it.
God Won't Forget You, 12/8/22
You're never invisible to God. You will never be forgotten.
You Are Sufficient, 12/7/22
What Christ has he has already given to you.
You Are Strong, 12/6/22
We can be both fragile and strong. By ourselves, we are fragile. In Christ, we are always strong.
God Is in Control, 12/5/22
You don't have to worry when life gets out of control. Jesus' control over all things is real.
Meet Your God, 12/4/22
Consider all the wonderful words Jesus said to people just like you.
Your Work Will Be Worth It, 12/3/22
Let God's perfect work will supply all you need as you work out of faith in him.
No Need to Fear, 12/2/22
Focus less on your fears and more on the work of the Savior in whom we put our faith.
God Has You, 12/1/22
When you are separated from those you love, remember that God keeps us together forever.
God's Love Is Unusual, 11/30/22
Jesus has a history of loving people just like us.
The Best Perspective, 11/29/22
Live your life today as if you know it ends well. Because it does.
You Are God's, 11/28/22
God is watching over you today. You have nothing to worry about.