God's Blueprint for a Happy Home: What Makes Marriage Work?
God's Blueprint for a Happy Home
09.01.23. God wants to see us happy in our marriages, so he gives us guidance through the Bible: Husbands must love their wives and be devoted to them. Wives must respect and submit to their husbands. And yet, despite God's instructions, happy homes and marriages are the exception, not the norm. Pastor Mike reminds us of seven specific commandments God gives to husbands and wives that can bring us closer to happy homes... Transcript: https://bit.ly/3L64mTz
Up Next in God's Blueprint for a Happy Home
God's Blueprint for a Happy Home: Liv...
09.08.23. Is it okay if couples—who aren't married but love one another—live together? In our 21st-century culture, it's not unusual for couples to look for certainty in compatibility by living together first; not to mention doing so also saves on rent, bills, and expenses. But what does God say?...
God's Blueprint for a Happy Home: Wha...
09.15.23. Part 1 of 2. What do you do when your spouse broke your vows and your heart? Or if you were the one who ignored God’s voice and betrayed? How do couples recover from the pain, the shame, and the regret? Is there any hope after an affair? We live in a culture where one in five husbands w...
God's Blueprint for a Happy Home: Wha...
09.22.23. Part 2 of 2. What do you do when your spouse broke your vows and your heart? Or if you were the one who ignored God’s voice and betrayed? How do couples recover from the pain, the shame, and the regret? Is there any hope after an affair? We live in a culture where one in five husbands w...