4. God's Tools

4. God's Tools

How is God's grace applied to each of us? This video series digs deeper into the tools God uses called the "means of grace"—Baptism and the Lord's Supper.

4. God's Tools
  • God's Tools: Means of Grace

    How is God's grace applied to each of us? Pastor Jeremy digs deeper into the "means of grace" and the role of Baptism.

  • God's Tools — Baptism: Work of God

    Pastor Jeremy starts this two-part lesson on Baptism. He looks at three things: what Baptism is, what it does, and who should be baptized.

  • God's Tools — Baptism: Changes My Life

    What does it mean to live with Baptism? Pastor Jeremy's second lesson on Baptism helps us understand its significance and its effect on how we live our lives.

  • God's Tools — Holy Communion: A Real Meal

    A few weeks before Jesus commanded Baptism, he gave his disciples a different kind of command: Holy Communion. Pastor Jeremy teaches what it is and what it does—and what Jesus gives us every time we take Holy Communion.

  • God's Tools — Holy Communion: Be Prepared

    How do we prepare ourselves to receive all the benefits of Holy Communion? Pastor Jeremy teaches us how in his second lesson on Holy Communion.