Grace Talks

Grace Talks

Daily videos to start your day.

Grace Talks
  • The Bible and Homosexuality

    5 items

    Does the Bible speak clearly about homosexuality and whether it is okay or wrong? Pastor Jeremy answers this question by digging into the Bible.

  • Christian Mindfulness

    5 items

    Pastor Ben shows us how we can be mindful Christians.

  • Finding True Happiness

    5 items

    Pastor Mike helps us learn what is true happiness—and where to find it.

  • Hell Week

    5 items

    Pastor Jon takes us on a deep dive of what hell is and what it isn't.

  • Why Is the Bible Important for Me?

    5 items

    Pastor Mike helps us see the importance of the Bible in our lives.

  • How to Deal With Family Dysfunction

    5 items

    Pastor Dave helps us deal with the challenges and dysfunctions our families face.

  • Do Not Be Afraid

    5 items

    Pastor Dave reminds us that we do not have to be afraid.

  • Driven by a Better Love

    5 items

    Pastor Jeremy takes us through the famous love chapter in 1 Corinthians 13 to help us understand love.

  • What Happened During Holy Week?

    5 items

    Pastor Jon looks at the significance and lessons of Holy Week.

  • What Makes a Great Life?

    5 items

    Pastor Jeremy helps us see what it takes and means to have a great life.

  • The Age of Outrage

    5 items

    We live in a world where it feels impossible to have civil disagreements. How are we supposed to behave in this age of outrage? Pastor Jon helps us see how we should act during these challenging times.

  • Not by Sight but by Faith

    5 items

    Pastor Jeremy gives us the proper perspective as we start a new year.

  • Be Significant With Your Life

    5 items

    Pastor Jeremy helps us see how our lives can make a difference.

  • How You Move Forward in Life

    5 items

    Pastor Jeremy helps us see how God always gives us a way to move forward in life.

  • Strengthen Your Faith

    5 items

    Pastor Jeremy gives us assurance on how we keep building our faith.

  • Tests and Trials

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    Pastor Jared helps us see why God allows tests and trials in our lives.

  • Depression

    5 items

    Pastor Jeremy helps us gain perspective as we grapple with depression.

  • Be a Father of Faith

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    Pastor Jon helps us get ready for Father's Day with these devotions that look at what it means to be a father of faith.

  • Don't Block God's Blessings

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    Pastor Jon recounts the little known story of Mephibosheth to help us see how God blesses us regardless of the challenges in our lives.

  • How to Be Positive

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    Pastor Jared helps us learn to become and stay positive.

  • Loving Difficult People

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    Pastor Jeremy tells us how we can continue to love the difficult people in our lives.

  • Politically Incorrect

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    Pastor Mike takes on the tough topic of what God has to say about politics.

  • Things I Never Thought to Be Thankful For

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    Pastor Jon reminds us of how we can still be thankful for the often-forgotten things in life.

  • Understanding Angels

    5 items

    Pastor Jon takes an in-depth look at angels.