1. How Many Times Should I Forgive?
Should there be a limit on how often we forgive others?
2. How Should I Forgive Others?
How we forgive others should be modeled after how God forgives us . . . how DOES God forgive us?
3. Am I Supposed to "Forgive and Forget"?
When we refuse to forgive, we hold on to a lot of anger and bitterness. Maybe because we think we're supposed to "forgive and forget." (Spoiler: forgiving does not mean forgetting.) Here's what we can do to be free from the anger and bitterness.
4. Forgive Those Who Have Hurt Me?
We think of those who have hurt us, and it seems impossible for us to see how they can ever change. But, Pastor Jeremy says, just remember the apostle Paul and what caused him to turn it around.
5. How to Put Forgiveness Into Practice
Forgiving others is difficult. Pastor Jeremy gives two pieces of advice on how to do this.