Little Things With Amber Albee Swenson

Little Things With Amber Albee Swenson

Amber Albee Swenson, one of our Time of Grace writers and bloggers, will help you navigate through some of life’s challenges and struggles by using Scripture and her own experiences of being a mom, wife, speaker, teacher, and forgiven child of God ... Because in God's kingdom, the little things ARE the big things.

Little Things With Amber Albee Swenson
  • Who Am I? Don't Base Your Worth on the Wrong Words

    Are you prone to thinking things like, "You are so stupid" or, "You don't matter"? What do the people around you say about how you live? As Christians, we live counter to culture, so we need to make sure our identity is based solely on God's words alone. We also need to learn to tell Satan to shu...

  • Who Am I? Body Image

    The statistics on women and body image are alarming, and having a positive self-image doesn't get easier with age. We'll have a candid conversation about who we are in Christ to combat the idealized worldly version of a woman that most of us will never be.

  • It Doesn't Matter What They Think

    This episode aired September 11, 2022, and offers the reminder that too often we believe our faulty feelings and/or what other people think about us. Instead, we need to rely on the truths of Scripture to know our worth.

  • Follow God Not Your Dreams

    We're heading all the way back to January 2021 for the next in our "Best of" series. If things aren't working out with your goals, this is a good reminder to follow God and let him take you where he wants you to go.

  • P Is for Power, Specifically Resurrection Power

    We continue our "Best of" series this month! So often we feel weak and defeated, but do you realize the Holy Spirit is alive in you? Please don't let the magnitude of that escape you. You have access to the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. This episode first aired June 19, 2022.

  • This IS Your Assignment

    Today we are starting our "Best of" series with the episodes that had the most listens in the last three years. This episode first aired July 3, 2022, and asks: Are you doing what you thought you'd be doing? The episode is about embracing the assignment God's given you, even if it isn't what you ...

  • Single on God's Time

    In the fourth episode of our single series, we'll hear from Dorothy Schlueter. She'll tell us the lessons she's learned from being a widow for many years.

  • Unexpectedly Single

    In the third of our four-part series on being single, I interview Lori Lorig. Her husband, Al, went to be with the Lord one year ago. She'll tell us about the lessons she's learned in this new season of life.

  • Single as a Calling

    This is part two of our four-part series on being single. My dear friend Rhoda Wolle enlightens us about her life as a single woman of God. She is one of the most productive, joy-filled people I know. Talking to her is a reminder that being single is not a hardship and it certainly can't keep you...

  • A Season of Singleness

    Today we are starting a four-part series on being single. I look at this important topic from four different perspectives. Today you'll hear from Hannah Schermerhorn. She wrote a fantastic book on the lessons she learned through her season of being single.

  • Mental Wellness: A Conversation With Dr. Jennifer Londgren

    Today Dr. Jennifer Londgren talks about her new book: "A Guide to Mental and Emotional Wellness." We discuss biblical self-care, negative self-talk, and changing habits for a different outcome.

  • Faith Journeys: Linda Buxa

    This is the fourth and final episode in the "Faith Journeys" series. A lot of you are familiar with Time of Grace blogger and devotion writer Linda Buxa. I caught up with her to ask how things are going, where she finds her inspiration, and what's next.

    Here's Linda's blog post that she reads du...

  • Faith Journeys: Missy Martens

    Episode three of our "Faith Journeys" series brings us to Missy Martens. When I think of her, I think of grit, an amazing work ethic, and the confidence I haven't always had.

  • Faith Journeys: Katie Augustine

    In our second episode of "Faith Journeys," you'll meet the youngest blogger at Time of Grace. Katie Augustine is refreshing in all the right ways. I think you'll find as I did that she's solid in her faith and steady in her kingdom work. And also, she's my latest best friend, so there's that.

  • Programming Update: Little Things With Amber Albee Swenson

    Amber drops a quick video to let our viewers know that the video version of "Little Things" will now publish on Monday mornings. However, the podcast version will still publish Sunday mornings!

  • Faith Journeys: Emily Krill

    Today we're beginning a new series called "Faith Journeys," a series introducing you to the women who blog for Time of Grace. This first episode is with Emily Krill. She's not one to spend a lot of time on the surface. She goes deep fast. I just know you're going to fall in love with her the way ...

  • Gospel-Centered Change: A Conversation With Dr. Joan Prince

    I heard Dr. Joan Prince speak at a leadership conference and couldn't wait for the opportunity to talk to her again. She's a woman who has overcome adversity and opposition. To this day, she's hard at work to bring about gospel-centered change.

    A little more about Dr. Joan Prince: She has serve...

  • Talking About Church-Hurt

    It is no secret that a lot of people walk away from churches because they've been hurt by someone in those churches. Today we'll start a conversation about where we go when we've been hurt and how we should feel about the church and God's people.

  • Check Your Attitude at the Door

    As women we have tremendous impact on our households. An encouraging, joy-filled attitude will be a blessing to those around us, while a critical, ungrateful spirit will tear our house down. A simple change of perspective can change everything.

  • Worry Less

    I'm not sure about you, but worry was a big problem for me. It didn't just affect me. It also impeded my parenting journey. We'll talk about why worry is something to deal with rather than embrace.

  • Intro to "Soul Care"

    Today we'll look at my brand-new book, "Soul Care: Nurturing Your Spiritual Wellness." Why soul care? And why should you care?

  • Prayer: The Big, the Small, and Everything in Between

    Do you struggle to pray about little things? Have you ever not prayed because a situation is so big it seems overwhelming? What are some good habits to make prayer a bigger part of your life? We'll talk about it all in this episode.

  • The Posture of Prayer

    Mark 5 gives us three key lessons we can learn about going to God in prayer.

  • Prayer and the Heart of God

    We'll dive into 1 John and Charles Spurgeon's book "Prayer & Spiritual Warfare" for some takeaways that may change our prayer lives.