Little Things With Amber Albee Swenson

Little Things With Amber Albee Swenson

Amber Albee Swenson, one of our Time of Grace writers and bloggers, will help you navigate through some of life’s challenges and struggles by using Scripture and her own experiences of being a mom, wife, speaker, teacher, and forgiven child of God ... Because in God's kingdom, the little things ARE the big things.

Little Things With Amber Albee Swenson
  • The Posture of Prayer

    Mark 5 gives us three key lessons we can learn about going to God in prayer.

  • Prayer and the Heart of God

    We'll dive into 1 John and Charles Spurgeon's book "Prayer & Spiritual Warfare" for some takeaways that may change our prayer lives.

  • What's the Big Deal About Easter?

    Easter is all but an afterthought in our society. We'll explore why we should take it seriously and make sure it's not just another day.

  • The Ninth and Tenth Commandments

    These commandments remind us to look straight ahead. Don't worry about what someone else has. If we'd like a better relationship with our spouse or children, this is our reminder to work on it!

  • The Eighth Commandment

    This commandment might be convicting. How easy it is to grumble about others instead of building them up!

  • The Seventh Commandment

    "Don't steal" might be a little more involved than you think. This is our reminder to care for others' possessions as we would our own.

  • The Sixth Commandment

    The Sixth Commandment covers marriage. What does it forbid; what does it encourage?

  • The Fifth Commandment

    Most of us don't have to worry about murdering anyone, but that doesn't mean we're off the hook. This command, more than anything, is about learning to love our enemies.

  • The Fourth Commandment

    This commandment is all about how we treat our parents, government officials, and spiritual leaders.

  • The Third Commandment

    What does it mean to remember the Sabbath Day? Do we have to go to church on a certain day? We'll get to the heart of this command and what it means for our faith journey.

  • The Second Commandment

    This commandment teaches us how to use the name of God properly. It also warns us against misusing God's name.

  • The First Commandment

    Today we're starting a nine-week study of the Ten Commandments. The First Commandment really addresses what we love most. ... Amber mentioned our Bible basics series, "Bible Breath With Pastor Jeremy Mattek." Watch or listen to Pastor Jeremy teach The Ten Commandments in an easy-to-understand way...

  • Motherhood: The Sacrifice and the Payoff

    Becoming a mother means there will be significant sacrifices ahead. But they pale in comparison to the payoffs!

    Did you know Little Things was a podcast first? If you don't have time to watch Amber dive into the Bible to help you navigate life's challenges on video, you can listen to her on the ...

  • Motherhood: Love Your Children Well

    This is a reminder not to compare siblings, to let go of expectations, and not to worry about what any other child is doing. Love your child and appreciate all God has done for him or her.

    Did you know Little Things was a podcast first? If you don't have time to watch Amber dive into the Bible ...

  • Motherhood: Choose Your Ordinary Well

    You are establishing what your children consider normal: the language you use, the way you respond to adversity and stress, the amount of sleep you get. Make sure the "normals" you give your children are the ones that will serve them well as children of God.

    Did you know Little Things was a pod...

  • Motherhood: This Is Your Calling

    This is the first episode in a four-part series on motherhood. Today's takeaway: your children are not a mistake. This role you've been given is more than just a hobby or a job. It's a calling.

    Did you know Little Things was a podcast first? If you don't have time to watch Amber dive into the B...

  • Be Deliberate

    We fall into bad habits, but good habits only come about with deliberate effort (unfortunately). I'll tell you which habits I've been trying to break, and we'll go through the verse I chose for this year.

    Did you know Little Things was a podcast first? If you don't have time to watch Amber dive...

  • 6 Lessons of Christmas

    Many of us know the Christmas story by memory (I thought I did, but I forgot a whole line . . . can you find it?). What does the Christmas story teach us two thousand years after Jesus' birth?

    Did you know Little Things was a podcast first? If you don't have time to watch Amber dive into the Bib...

  • You Were Made for More Than Chaos

    If your life seems more chaotic than calm, this episode is for you! God promises to give you what you need so you can be a sanctuary in this crazy world.

    Did you know Little Things was a podcast first? If you don't have time to watch Amber dive into the Bible to help you navigate life's challen...