Modern Idolatry

Modern Idolatry

Pastor James helps us understand how we—oftentimes unknowingly—struggle with modern idols and how we can overcome them.

Modern Idolatry
  • 1. Your Unknown Idols

    Idolatry isn't loving bad things. It's loving good things too much. Pastor James explains how not to fall victim to modern idols.

  • 2. Do Idols Have Your Heart?

    What's the thing in life that if you had it, you would feel like you'd finally be happy? Be careful how you answer. You may have yourself an idol.

  • 3. Don't Fight Idolatry Alone

    Just because something's normal doesn't mean it's good or right. So how do you know what's right? Pastor James has a practical tip for you.

  • 4. At the Heart of Idolatry

    Do you consider yourself a Christian? What does that really mean? Pastor James explains the importance of both our words and actions.

  • 5. How to Overcome Modern Idolatry

    When you break the true God's commandment, you actually start worshiping your false gods. Pastor James explains.