How Do You Remember God's Promises? - Hope From Israel
What can you do to write the words of God on the gates that you go in and out of each day?
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Zion Gate, one of the gates that lead into Jerusalem, Pastor Mike helps us find ways to remember God's words and promises.
God Gives You a Powerful Weapon: Hope From Israel
Do you struggle with lies and negative thoughts that seem to have a stronghold over you? You can overcome these strongholds with something much more powerful.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the ancient city of Megiddo with its massive walls, Pastor ...
Inches Away From God: Hope From Israel
You might be just inches away from the beauty of God's kingdom.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the first-century synagogue in Magdala, Pastor Mike helps us see just how close we can be to God.
How to Walk in Jesus' Footsteps: Hope From Israel
When you worship, God doesn't want you just to go through the motions.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Southern Steps that led to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike shows us how these steps teach us to stay focused.
You Can See the Joy God Sees: Hope From Israel
You can enjoy life as God sees it. Joy is even better. Pain is endurable. So how do you get there?
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike shows us how we can get closer to God's perspective.
Jesus Stayed for . . . You? - Hope From Israel
If you've ever wondered whether Jesus could love a person like you, remember Jesus' decision not to escape when he had the chance.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in Jerusalem at the Garden of Gethsemane, Pastor Mike reminds of Jesus' choice to stay—for...
You—Yes, YOU—Are a Saint: Hope From Israel
We haven't always represented Jesus well and have done things we're not proud of. But regardless, we're still saints. How? Pastor Mike explains.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in Jerusalem at the church of St. Peter Gallicantu, Pastor Mike shares how w...
Can You Share Jesus' Offensive Messages? - Hope From Israel
Jesus had some hard and offensive teachings that aren't always popular. But proclaim them anyway.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in Capernaum where Jesus gave his "Bread of Life" sermon, Pastor Mike reminds us of Jesus' unchanging words.
Nothing to Fear: Hope From Israel
Whatever is stressing you out, just remember Jesus when he was transfigured.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here near Mount Tabor, where many believe Jesus was transfigured, Pastor Mike reminds us we have nothing to fear.
The Secret to Contentment: Hope From Israel
Are you filled up with enough hope in Jesus that you can withstand the tough times?
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in the ancient city of Megiddo, Pastor Mike encourages us to fill up our souls and hearts to take on challenges.
Trust What You Can't See: Hope From Israel
God never claims that his plans or purposes will make sense to you. So what should you do when you're uncertain?
Pastor Mike spent a week in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. We kick off his Israel devotions, as we look at how we can trust God even when we don't understand what'...
What to Do With Worry: Hope From Israel
When you're worried, all you need to do is go outside, turn your ears to the sky, and listen to the birds.
Pastor Mike spent a week in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Mount of Beatitudes, where Jesus gave his famous Sermon on the Mount, Pastor Mike reminds us what ...
Anxious? Be Still: Hope From Israel
In a world full of worry where we find it hard to sit still, God has two words for us.
Pastor Mike spent a week in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike reminds us how God is like a safe city for us.
Whose Will Be Done? - Hope From Israel
What's one of our worst problems? Always wanting our way and not wanting to submit.
Pastor Mike spent a week in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem, where Jesus submitted to his Father's will, Pastor Mike helps us learn to submit.
God Messes With Your Plans: Hope From Israel
When God messes with your plans, he has better plans. Need proof? Just look at what God did with the apostle Paul.
Pastor Mike spent a week in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at Caesarea Maritima, where Paul was imprisoned for more than a year, Pastor Mike reminds us how ...
Guard Your Heart: Hope From Israel
"Before you do anything else, here's what God wants you to do.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in Megiddo in central Israel, Pastor Mike tells us how we need to build a strong gate."
When You'll Be Where God Is: Hope From Israel
This life is so short. So remember the promise of when your time with God will endure forever.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike helps us look forward to what will last forever.
What Does Eternity Look Like? - Hope From Israel
There will come a day when we'll be in the new Jerusalem and never have to be afraid again.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Zion Gate in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike reminds us how we have nothing to fear.
Your Glorious Body: Hope From Israel
There will be a day when the aches and pains of your body will be no more.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Mount of Olives among Jewish tombs in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike reminds us of our own resurrection when Jesus returns.
What Comes After the Pain? - Hope From Israel
Jesus warned that the world before his return would be hard and be like birth pains. But remember what comes after birth pains.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike reminds us of how our broken world is not th...
Jesus Prayed for You: Hope From Israel
How's your prayer life? Are you reminded of the times you should pray, but you don't? Perhaps. But don't forget about when Jesus prayed for you.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike reminds us of how Jesu...
Rock-Solid Promises: Hope From Israel
Those times when you wonder if you're forgiven or loved, remember the God you worship.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Pastor Mike reminds us of the promises of God.
Can You Be Unforgivable? - Hope From Israel
Do you wonder if you've crossed the line and are now unforgivable? If so, let the story of Mary Magdalene encourage you.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at Magdala in Galilee, Pastor Mike reminds us of God's amazing forgiveness.
The Bible's Simple Message: Hope From Israel
The Bible can be complicated, especially the book of Revelation. But the message is simple and can be summed up in two words.
Pastor Mike was in Israel in 2020 right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here at Megiddo, the site where Armageddon will happen, Pastor Mike reminds us how this battle will...