What Are Valid Reasons for Divorce?
What does the Bible say are reasons when a Christian can get a divorce?
Are We Responsible for Others' Sins?
What are we responsible for when it comes to other people's behaviors? Is it our place to judge and say something?
Anxiety, Suicide, and Going to Heaven
If anxiety is a sin, what happens to someone who succumbs to it and dies by suicide?
There is always help. If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. Help is available 24/7.
What Does God Say About Asexuality?
How does asexuality fit into the Bible?
No Marriage in Heaven. Why Marriage on Earth?
If we won't be married in heaven, what's the point of marriage on earth?
Is It a Sin to Wear Leggings?
Should a woman be able to wear leggings? Or is that a sin?
Is Believing in God Just a Safe Bet?
Talking about probabilities will never change your life. Talking about Jesus will.
Who Gets to Go to Heaven?
Are you inside the circle of people going to heaven? How do you get in?
Can a Person Lose Their Salvation?
If you are saved, forgiven, and adopted into the family of God, can you lose all that?
Is the Bible Sexist?
Is it true that women aren't allowed to hold higher positions in the church? This seems sexist and rudimentary.
Am I Allowed to Be Cremated?
What does the Bible say about cremation?
Is It Wrong to Drink and Do Drugs?
Is it a sin to drink or do any kind of drug?
Is Jesus Actually God?
Was Jesus just a really good teacher? or prophet? Or are there clues in the Bible that show Jesus is God?
Why Are Christians Judgmental?
How do we break the stereotype of judgmental Christians?
Can We Live Together Before Marriage?
In this modern-day era, is it okay for people live together before getting married?
What Do Angels Do?
What did angels do in the Bible? And what do they do for us today?
How Much Money Should I Give the Church?
What does generosity look like? Pastor Mike flips this issue on its head and warns us not to give TOO much.
How Do We Know the Trinity Is Real?
We don't find the word "Trinity" in the Bible. But the concept of three separate people in one God is exactly what the Bible teaches.
When Does My New Identity in Christ Start?
When does our identity change into someone who is saved, especially since we know we will sin again?
How Do You Honor an Addicted Parent?
We want to do the right, godly thing and help our addict parents. But it would be so much easier to cut ties with them, especially with all the pain they have caused. Here's Pastor Mike's advice on finding balance on that narrow road of bitterness and having no boundaries.
What Does God and the Bible Say About Masturbation?
Are things of self-pleasure, such as masturbating, harmful to the body since you are the temple of God?
What Is Spiritual Warfare?
We are in a constant war zone against the devil, Pastor Mike says. Here's what we need to know in order to fight this battle.
How Do We Know Who's a True Christian?
Many people say they follow Jesus, but how do we really know?
Is It Wrong to Give Sinful Children an Inheritance?
Is it wrong to bless financially those who don't believe in Jesus and won't be good stewards of money?