Tough Questions with Pastor Mike

Tough Questions with Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike tackles tough topics in short videos. Topics include:
—Gender roles in the church
—If God is good, why is there evil in the world?
—What do angels do?
—What happens to a baby who dies and is not baptized?
and many, many more.

Tough Questions with Pastor Mike
  • How Do We Push Through Uncertain Times?

    Things can change so fast. If you want to move forward through hard times, there are two words to know.

    This week, Pastor Mike answers tough questions from viewers like you.

  • What Do Angels Do?

    What did angels do in the Bible? And what do they do for us today?

    This week, Pastor Mike answers tough questions from viewers like you.

  • What if My Husband Doesn't Want to Be the Head?

    The Bible calls the husband to be the head of the family just like Jesus. But when your husband doesn’t want to fulfill this duty, how can you help him become the man Jesus wants him to be?

    Pastor Mike answers tough questions from viewers like you.

  • Is It Bad to Be Friends With Non-Christians?

    The Bible tells us that bad company corrupts good character. But there’s a beautiful tension in the Bible, where Jesus says to love our enemies and love the world. So what's the answer? Is it OK to have non-Christian friends?

    Pastor Mike answers tough questions from viewers like you.

  • Tough Questions With Pastor Mike

    1 season