What Is Love?
Why is there so much hatred in the world? If most everyone agrees that we should love one another, why is love such a rare species? And why do some people call hate what others think is love? This four-part series explores, from a biblical perspective, what love and hate mean, what God loves and hates, and why lovers should be prepared for the haters.
Show Tough or Tender Love? || What Is Love?
4.3.22. Love. Some define love as speaking the truth, no matter how hard it is to hear. Others define it as acceptance, approval, and applause. Love, according to the apostle Paul, is actually both tough and tender—but love is not equal parts of both. Pastor Mike walks us through Paul's words, re...
Isn't Jesus on MY Side? || What Is Love?
4.10.22. Issue after issue, regardless of which side you choose, everyone says Jesus is on their side. But two thousand years ago when Jesus walked the earth, what did he really say, and whose side would he take today? This message takes a close look at Jesus and his words and teaches us how we c...
What's My FIrst Love? || What Is Love?
4.24.22. What is the first love in your life? In our busy world of work, school, kids, and relationships, what is your greatest passion? Your answer is so important when it comes to love. Because in order to love well, you need to have the right order of your loves—starting with the first love.
I'm Supposed to Love "Those" People? || What Is Love?
5.1.22. We live in a world of us vs. them, a culture of our people against their people. Such divisions are often the line where love stops, even among those who confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And that's dangerous. Instead, Pastor Mike challenges, what would it look like if we listened t...