4. Jesus Doesn't Make Sense: Why Is He Asking Me to Do This?
6m 10s
There are times when life is filled with pain, anxiety, and stress. And yet, Jesus asks us to do things that don't make sense. Why?
In this series, Pastor Jon looks at Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine—and how it helps us understand God's actions in our lives.
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5. Lord's Prayer: "Lead Us Not Into T...
Temptation will always bombard us. But that doesn't mean we need to fall for it.
In this series, Pastor Dan walks us through the Lord's Prayer and helps us see how we can continue to grow in our relationship with God. However, Pastor Dan doesn't talk about "forgive us our sins as we forgive thos...
1. Lord's Prayer: "Our Father"—So What?
How's your prayer life? This week, Pastor Dan walks us through the Lord's Prayer and helps us see how we can continue to grow in our relationship with God. Today we see how we get to call God "Our Father," giving us a special relationship with him. But, Pastor Dan asks, what if you have a bad dad...
3. Lord's Prayer: "Your Will Be Done"...
What is God's will for us? Spoiler: It's not for us to make lots of money, build families, have huge homes, or even that we live pain-free lives.