Seriously, God? I Should Praise God Even Though I'm Hurting?
10.9.22. When life is hard and it doesn't feel like God is doing enough to relieve us of the pain, we start to question God and his love for us. But, Pastor Mike warns, to do that is exactly what the devil wants. Instead, we can follow the example of a man named Job who suffered a level of pain and loss we can't begin to imagine. How can we respond like Job in the face of our darkest moments?
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Seriously, God? This Is Why God Lets ...
10.2.22. If God has the power to end all our pain and provide answers for all the hurt we've been through, why doesn't he? Why does he let bad things happen to good people? Pastor Mike takes these often-asked questions, flips them, and challenges us to examine our motives: Why do we love God? Or ...
How Can I Resist Temptation?
11.6.22. So much of life hinges on this single thing we call self-control—because there are so many temptations that can overcome us. So how do we get more self-control? Pastor Mike zeroes in on two big ways that God helps us have more self-control. ... Transcript:
The Miracle and Message of Music
11.13.22. What kind of connection is there between God and music? We often take music for granted but, Pastor Mike reminds us, it is a miracle that the Bible has so much to say about. Pastor Mike covers two big ideas that attest to the power of God and music. ... Transcript: