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  • Behind the Series: Is Christ in Your Christmas Carols?

    Where is Jesus in some of our favorite Christmas carols?

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give us a sneak peek at the next TV message series, "Is Christ in Your Christmas Carols?" In the course of their conversation, we learn that one classic carol isn't actually about Christmas but instead J...

  • My Doubts Vs. God's Promises

    Do God's promises seem like they're not being kept? Even John the Baptist doubted. But Pastor Jon reminds us that what we see with our eyes does not compare to what God tells us to believe.

    Pastor Jon shares with us how John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus—and how we must continue prepari...

  • What Does God's Gift Do?

    It's easy for us to use Jesus to help with our daily struggles. But don't lose sight of what the gift of Jesus is really for.

    Pastor Jon shares with us how John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus—and how we must continue preparing for Jesus today.

  • No Doubt About Who We Are

    If you're going to be ready for Jesus, you need to know who Jesus is. And you need to know who you are.

    Pastor Jon shares with us how John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus—and how we must continue preparing for Jesus today.

  • This Needs to Be on Your To-Do List

    It's okay to have your to-do list for this busy Christmas season. But don't forget to add "repent" to that list. What exactly does it even mean to repent? Pastor Jon explains.

    Pastor Jon shares with us how John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus—and how we must continue preparing for Jesus t...

  • Are You Prepared Beyond Christmas?

    Even though we may never feel we're completely ready for Christmas, know that God's getting us ready for a day that's much bigger.

  • Is Christ in Your Christmas Carols? "Joy to the World"

    12.22.23. What makes "Joy to the World" a must for every Christmas service even though—spoiler—its writer did not intend for it to be a Christmas song? It has the one thing we all deeply long for: lasting joy. That kind of eternal joy can only be found in one person. Pastor Mike finishes this ser...

  • The Overlooked Trademarks

    It's one thing to tell someone you're a Christian; it's another thing when someone notices that you are different (in a positive way). Are you a blessing? What are the signs or symbols of a Christian? There are distinct trademarks that Christians are empowered to display that are often overlooked...

  • Practical Passages: Living With Integrity in a World Opposed to God

    We continue our series "Practical Passages" with a look at three passages from the book of Daniel that speak about living with integrity and following God's commands.

  • Tell Others About Jesus' Return

    Encourage one another with the good news of Jesus' return.

  • Jesus Is Coming Back for You

    Judgment day can be scary. But it's not for us Christians.

  • Make Your Spiritual U-Turn

    What struggles are holding you back right now?

  • Are You Prepared for Jesus' Return?

    How do you prepare for Jesus' return? Pastor Phil explains how Jesus actually helps us prepare.

  • When Will Jesus Return?

    Do you feel bogged down with Christmas preparations? Even so, let's not lose track of what we're really preparing for.

  • Is Christ in Your Christmas Carols? "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"

    12.15.23. What does "hark" even mean? And what about "herald"? Those answers are somewhat easy. But it's the rest of "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" that will get our brains working and our hearts swelling as we realize just how amazing it is that Jesus came down to earth for us. Pastor Mike conti...

  • Happiness Is Overrated

    Chasing happiness can have you bouncing from one thing to another. How strong is your desire to be happy? The book of Philippians has some outstanding lessons and shows us there is something greater than happiness. Believe it or not, we as Christians can see why happiness is overrated and where t...

  • Practical Passages: Where Does God's Word Fit?

    We are continuing our series, "Practical Passages," with an episode examining a portion of Psalm 119. Psalm 119 is authored by someone who loved God's Word and made it a priority in his life.

  • Is Christ in Your Christmas Carols? "Away in a Manger"

    12.08.23. How historically and biblically accurate are some of our classic Christmas carols? Pastor Mike strips away the music as we examine the lyrics of some of our favorite songs. First up: how often do we think about the environment in which Jesus was born? "Away in a Manger" isn't a picture-...

  • Improve Your Conversations the Jesus Way

    Observing different types of conversations is interesting. Sometimes people talk too much, and others want to avoid talking to them. Sometimes people seem as if they don't know what to say at all. How good do you think you are at conversing? This episode analyzes Jesus' conversational approach an...

  • 5 Truths for Better Rest: Truth #2

    Rest is something we usually do at the end. But, Pastor Matt says, despite how counterintuitive it sounds, we should rest at the beginning.

  • God Is All We Need, 11/23/23

    Every part of your life is under God's loving care—from beginning to end.

  • God Takes Action, 11/22/23

    God does not ignore you. He does not forget you.

  • Praise God for the Victory, 11/21/23

    The things that weigh us down the most will one day be entirely forgotten.

  • The Lord Is Yours, 11/20/23

    The Lord has given you a significant gift: himself.