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  • Everything's Under Control, 11/19/23

    Jesus rules over everything in your life with perfect love.

  • Practical Passages: Recipe for Peace

    We're starting a new series called "Practical Passages" to examine passages from God's Word that can change our perspective in powerful ways. In this episode we'll look at 1 Peter 3:8-12.

  • Choose Gratitude Over Grumbling: Even if You're Living With Pain

    12.01.23. For people living with constant pain, it's tempting to believe the lie that God is not good. Pastor Mike shares a verse from Jesus' brother James that gives us three things to remember in order to resist believing that deception... Transcript:

  • Choose Gratitude Over Grumbling: Even When You're Hurting

    11.24.23. To be grateful for the hard times in your life is difficult. Pastor Mike asks: Do you think it’s possible that you could only get to certain places spiritually if you had first passed through the difficulties of pain, suffering, and hardship? The apostle Paul, a guy who was incredibly g...

  • 5 Truths for Better Rest: Truth #5

    Worrying about the things you can't control will tire you. But, Pastor Matt reminds us, God helps us deal with our worries.

  • 5 Truths for Better Rest: Truth #4

    You may not be aware of what's causing your exhaustion. Do you have unaddressed sin that's leaving you even more tired?

  • 5 Truths for Better Rest: Truth #3

    Good rest should leave you restored. Here's how to tell good rest from destructive rest.

  • 5 Truths for Better Rest: Truth #1

    How tired do you feel? Most people are more tired than they think. Where you go for rest is what makes all the difference.

  • Jesus Knows Your Life, 11/18/23

    Jesus is with you through the highs and lows.

  • God Cares, 11/17/23

    Jesus is dealing with your concerns.

  • God Is Mindful of You, 11/16/23

    Of all the things God can do, he chooses to give his greatest love and attention to you.

  • Double-Edged Mentor

    Do you have someone you call your mentor? Even if you don't give someone the title of mentor, mentorship plays a role in your life. There are some overlooked components of mentorship that can benefit you greatly. There are also some warnings as well as some encouragements that make being a mentor...

  • Who Am I? You Are the One!

    In the tenth and final episode of the "Who Am I?" series, we will see how important it is to embrace our role as believers. We are the ones who can share Jesus with the world. We are the ones to stand in the gap and pray for nations.

  • Consider God's Fingers, 11/15/23

    Our fingers can do so much. Imagine what the fingers of God can do!

  • Your Praise Is Powerful, 11/14/23

    God accomplishes something significant through the praise of his children, even the smallest ones.

  • Look Up, 11/13/23

    King David teaches us something Jesus also modeled—the bigger perspective on our lives.

  • God's Name Is Majestic, 11/12/23

    God's name is his reputation. He wants to be known as a powerful God who loves you.

  • Behind the Series: Choose Gratitude Over Grumbling

    How do we avoid the constant temptation to grumble and gripe, especially as we get closer to Thanksgiving?

    Pastor Mike and Amber Albee Swenson give us a preview of November's TV message series, "Choose Gratitude Over Grumbling." Listen and learn how we can keep our perspective of God in the righ...

  • Choose Gratitude Over Grumbling: Because of 14 Spiritual Gifts You Already Have

    11.17.23. If you struggle with gratitude, Pastor Mike says to read and chew on this 202-word sentence from the apostle Paul. Because it will remind you that you already have everything... Transcript:

  • Choose Gratitude Over Grumbling: Because of Eternal Joy

    11.10.23. When God takes away your health or your security or the life you long for, it feels like you have more reason to grumble than to be thankful. How can you be grateful when so many things go wrong? Today’s message has the apostle Paul’s powerful answer... Transcript:

  • Do You Know What the Future Holds for You?

    What is there to look forward to when it feels like life has passed us by? Pastor Phil says God promises us there's plenty to be excited about.

  • Do You Realize Your Purpose for Others?

    Even if we think there's not much value in the everyday things we do, Pastor Phil reminds us that God is working through us to serve other people.

  • Do You Know Your Purpose?

    It can be hard trying to figure out our purpose in life. But, Pastor Phil says, when we remember what Jesus did, it totally changes how we view the purpose of our lives.

  • Do You Feel Unworthy?

    Do your past mistakes still haunt you so much that the guilt feels unbearable and you feel unworthy? Pastor Phil reminds us why, regardless of what we did, our lives have worth.