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  • Oh, So That's What You Calling It

    The world has changed the name of certain sins to try and make them seem like they are not sins. Switching names is a tactic used to confuse and manipulate people to act a certain way. Watch what others try to call those who want to represent Christian living. Even Jesus had to deal with people t...

  • Unexpectedly Single

    In the third of our four-part series on being single, I interview Lori Lorig. Her husband, Al, went to be with the Lord one year ago. She'll tell us about the lessons she's learned in this new season of life.

  • What Is Love? Isn't Jesus on MY Side?

    08.11.23. Issue after issue, regardless of which side you choose, everyone says Jesus is on their side. But two thousand years ago when Jesus walked the earth, what did he really say, and whose side would he take today? This message takes a close look at Jesus and his words and teaches us how we ...

  • What Is Love? Show Tough or Tender Love?

    08.04.23. Love. Some define love as speaking the truth, no matter how hard it is to hear. Others define it as acceptance, approval, and applause. Love, according to the apostle Paul, is actually both tough and tender—but love is not equal parts of both. Pastor Mike walks us through Paul's words, ...

  • Get in the Good Book

    The most important book a person can read is the Bible. There are some major reasons why people should read scripture and not just be content with letting someone else tell them what the Bible actually says. There are some places anyone can start when it comes to reading the Bible. And even if yo...

  • Single as a Calling

    This is part two of our four-part series on being single. My dear friend Rhoda Wolle enlightens us about her life as a single woman of God. She is one of the most productive, joy-filled people I know. Talking to her is a reminder that being single is not a hardship and it certainly can't keep you...

  • That's a Trick Question

    There are some trick questions we all need to know how to answer, because we need to be aware of the reasons why trick questions are posed to us in the first place. The sources of these trick questions might surprise you, but Jesus shows us how to deal with trick questions with his amazing answer...

  • A Season of Singleness

    Today we are starting a four-part series on being single. I look at this important topic from four different perspectives. Today you'll hear from Hannah Schermerhorn. She wrote a fantastic book on the lessons she learned through her season of being single.

  • Gotta Have Both

    Some things in life are better when you have both: milk and cereal, peanut butter and jelly. There are two things needed in our spiritual journeys too. See how this pair is unique, special, and one of a kind.

    Mark 10:17-21
    Romans 2:14,15
    Ephesians 2:8,9
    John 19:11
    Luke 1...

  • Abuse: What Does God Say? To the Church

    07.28.23. Statistically, whether we know it or not, all of us know and love someone who has been abused. And all of us know and love someone who has been abusive. So how can we be a blessing to both? How can we comfort, confront, and bring healing to our circle of influence?... Transcript: https:...

  • Behind the Series: Abuse: What Does God Say?

    Abuse. Pastor Mike and Amber talk about this common but hush-hush topic, previewing Pastor Mike's next sermon series, "Abuse: What Does God Say?"

    This series first ran in 2021 but, as Pastor Mike says, we're rerunning the series because the topic is still relevant and affects a lot of people tod...

  • Mental Wellness: A Conversation With Dr. Jennifer Londgren

    Today Dr. Jennifer Londgren talks about her new book: "A Guide to Mental and Emotional Wellness." We discuss biblical self-care, negative self-talk, and changing habits for a different outcome.

  • Be Kind to Yourself: Celebrate the Good in Your Life

    Even when you have a reason to celebrate, do you find it a struggle to rejoice?

  • Be Kind to Yourself: Remember How God Sees You

    How you see yourself—flaws and mistakes and all—is NOT how God sees you.

  • Be Kind to Yourself: When You Mess Up

    Your memory may be haunted by your mistakes. But instead of replaying your mistakes in your mind, remember how God handles your sin.

  • Be Kind to Yourself: Despite Your Imperfections

    You can forgive the flaws of your friends. So why is it so hard to accept your own imperfections?

  • Be Kind to Yourself: Stop the Negative Thoughts

    You think no one knows your flaws and shortcomings better than you do. So you think that gives you permission to be especially hard on yourself. But Jesus says to stop that negative self-talk.

  • Build-a-God

    "Build it how you want" is something we strive to do in our culture. We even use this philosophy with whom we worship and trust. But building a god doesn't make our lives better; it only rejects the God who cares and has sacrificed for us like no other.

    1 Corinthians 8
    Psalm 5:4

  • Abuse: What Does God Say? To the Abusive

    07.21.23. What does God say to those who have hurt others? Can we, like Jesus, be full of both grace and truth to the abusive? Pastor Mike talks about how abusers can move forward—beyond God's wrath—to a healing and hopeful relationship with God and the church... Transcript:

  • Abuse: What Does God Say? To the Abused

    07.14.21. Despite the alarming statistics, the topic of abuse is rarely touched in the Christian community. What does God say about abuse? What does God think about abuse? What does God say to a church filled with unspoken trauma and deep wounds?... Transcript:

  • Faith Journeys: Linda Buxa

    This is the fourth and final episode in the "Faith Journeys" series. A lot of you are familiar with Time of Grace blogger and devotion writer Linda Buxa. I caught up with her to ask how things are going, where she finds her inspiration, and what's next.

    Here's Linda's blog post that she reads du...

  • What's the Point? What to Do When I Fall Short

    06.30.23. Many of us claim to follow Jesus, but so often we fall short. We have the potential to love, to forgive, not to worry, to trust in God, not to fear cancer, to stand out in the crowd. But too often we fall short of that potential. So what can we do? Continuing through the book of Esther,...

  • Pride: A Disease or a Blessing?

    What we take pride in can make or break us. Misplaced pride or too much of pride lead to destruction. Properly-placed pride leads to blessings. There are mixed messages when it comes to this word. Let's take a look at where our pride should be placed and why.

    John 5:1-42
    Mark 2:13-17

  • Faith Journeys: Missy Martens

    Episode three of our "Faith Journeys" series brings us to Missy Martens. When I think of her, I think of grit, an amazing work ethic, and the confidence I haven't always had.