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  • What's the Point? When Doing Right Is Risky

    06.09.23. When we are given the chance to do something good and right, something biblical and obedient, it’s not always comfortable or simple. Sometimes doing what is right in the eyes of God will be very risky. As Pastor Mike continues teaching from the book of Esther, he helps us see that somet...

  • Christphobic

    LGBTQ+ Pride Month is here. This group has done an effective job of gaining more rights, standing proud for what they believe in, and pushing their agenda. This has gone so far that many people do not want to be called homophobic. At the same time, more and more groups and agendas are trying to g...

  • Why Do We Still Feel Guilty After Repenting?

    Why does the guilt linger even after we have repented?

  • Must a Christian Attend Church to Go to Heaven?

    Can a person who says they believe in Jesus but never goes to church still go to heaven?

  • What Is Hell, and How Is It Different From Heaven?

    There are two places we can go when we die. Here's how they're different.

  • What Can I Do if My Adult Kids No Longer Believe?

    When grown kids have drifted away from God, what can we do?

  • Am I Single Because There's Something Wrong With Me?

    Is there a reason why single people can't seem to stay in serious relationships or why they're not married?

  • Behind the Series: What's the Point?

    Combine palace intrigue with wondering about purpose and seeing how God works in unexpected ways—that's the book of Esther.

    Pastor Mike's new sermon series is a six-part look at the book of Esther. He is joined by Amber Albee Swenson as they give us a preview of this new series, "What's the Poi...

  • The Most Famous Person Ever

    The most famous people in our world today don't compare to the most famous person of all time. Who is the most famous person of all time and why? He's not just someone Christians think of. Even other big-time influencers can't deny his impact and influence. See what the most famous person ever of...

  • In-the-Closet Christian

    In today's world, should we be quiet about our allegiance to Christ? Is it easy for others to see that we are followers of Jesus? Some of us are quiet about being Christian—we're "in-the-closet Christians" because we don't want to "offend" anyone or be canceled, even though we may say or think we...

  • When Success Isn't There

    When life isn't very "successful," instead of looking at immediate circumstances to determine success, take a step back.

  • Can You Admit You Need Help?

    When we are struggling, do we have the courage to reach out and admit we need help? Because our greatest success depends on this.

  • Does Success Become Your Identity?

    Do we let our success and work go to our heads and become our identities?

  • When Failure and Struggles Are Good

    We want to succeed at everything, but failure is inevitable. And good.

  • Are We Defining Success Correctly?

    What is success in our lives? Pastor Jared says it's not about results. Instead, we look at the life of Jesus to see how God defines success.

  • Welcome Bible App Users!

  • What's the Point? Trying to Find My Purpose

    06.02.23. Sometimes we look at our life situations and wonder, "What's the point?" It can be hard to see purpose through the daily grind and struggle, leading us to wonder if God is even present in our lives. Yet through the book of Esther—a book of the Bible that does not even mention God's name...

  • Pastor Mike on volunteering

    Pastor Mike gets emotional as he talks about his time volunteering as a mentor to three middle school boys.

  • Check Your Attitude at the Door

    As women we have tremendous impact on our households. An encouraging, joy-filled attitude will be a blessing to those around us, while a critical, ungrateful spirit will tear our house down. A simple change of perspective can change everything.

  • Talking About Church-Hurt

    It is no secret that a lot of people walk away from churches because they've been hurt by someone in those churches. Today we'll start a conversation about where we go when we've been hurt and how we should feel about the church and God's people.

  • Why Didn't God Stop Slavery in the Bible?

    Yes, there are instances of slavery in the Bible. And some of it was wicked and evil. But our definition of slavery isn't what it was in the ancient world. And once biblical principles took root, it actually took down slavery.

  • Is It a Sin to Be Angry?

    It's not entirely true that God doesn't want us to be angry. Sometimes we need to be angry at injustices. Here's how to be angry and not sin.

  • How Do We Really Know People Are in Heaven?

    How can pastors say with certainty at funerals, "They're in heaven now"?

  • What Are Valid Reasons for Divorce?

    What does the Bible say are reasons when a Christian can get a divorce?