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  • Does My Church Love? || Jesus Judges Churches Too

    5.15.22. What would Jesus say if he came to your church? Would he say the same thing he said to the church in Ephesus—one of the seven churches he addresses in the book of Revelation—that your church is passionate about the truth even if it is costly? But wait: Jesus doesn't just care about truth...

  • Faith in the Midst of Suffering || Jesus Judges Churches Too

    5.22.22. It's tempting to think that being a good enough Christian will lead to a good life. But Jesus warns us that because of our faith in him, we will suffer and have to endure pain. That begs the question: Then why risk everything for Jesus? The answer lies in a short letter from Jesus to a s...

  • Do We Compromise Sexual Morality? || Jesus Judges Churches Too

    5.29.22. Churches today face the temptation of believing they are faithful while subtly compromising their values, especially when it comes to biblical sexual morality. It's an uncomfortable topic that needs to be addressed, Pastor Mike says, in order to enjoy God's gift of sex, to understand the...

  • I Can't Forgive Myself || Freedom in Forgiveness

    6.26.22. What do you do when you can't forgive yourself? Pastor Mike shares three situations when it is especially hard to forgive our own actions—and reveals the two offensive truths about us when we think we can't forgive ourselves.

  • I Forgave. Now How Do I Heal? || Freedom in Forgiveness

    6.19.22. Does forgiving someone mean you act like their sin against you never happened? And then even if you forgive, how do you heal? The apostle Paul tells you exactly what you need to do.

  • When Forgiving Feels Impossible || Freedom in Forgiveness

    6.12.22. Forgiving someone can be one of the hardest things God calls you to do. But how are you expected to do it when it seems impossible? Pastor Mike shows how our relationship with Christ is key in how we behave toward those who have wronged us.

  • You Must Forgive EVERY Day || Freedom in Forgiveness

    6.5.22. Where do you start the journey of forgiveness? Is forgiveness a "one and done"? Or is it a process we need to deal with daily? What the Bible has to say about forgiveness is not only helpful and powerful; it's shockingly offensive.

  • Are Heaven and Hell Real? || Skeptical Faith

    7.31.22. The reality of heaven and hell is one that Jesus himself talked about. By looking at what he says about them in the Bible, we get the incredible perspective on what comes next and how we should feel about our place after we’re done on this earth.

  • God Loves Science? || Skeptical Faith

    7.24.22. How do we reconcile the tension of science and religion? What are we supposed to do when we feel like we need to walk away from Jesus for the sake of hard evidence? Pastor Mike gives us five compelling ideas to remind us that, according to the Bible, we don't need to choose between head ...

  • Aren't Christians Hypocrites? || Skeptical Faith

    7.17.22. Hypocrites are everywhere, pretending to be one thing when they're really something else. What do we do when we meet one or—worse yet—when we have BEEN one? In this message, we examine our own identity and see who we are as seen through the eyes of Jesus.

  • Am I Naturally Good? || Skeptical Faith

    7.10.22. Are we really born sinful? That's a hard pill for many people to swallow. What if we asked Moses, Paul, and Jesus this question? What would they say? Take a closer look at the Bible's teaching about the human heart, and the answer is clear.

  • Can I Trust the Bible? || Skeptical Faith

    7.3.22. Is the Bible really a HOLY book? What makes it unique from all the other books of other religions? Pastor Mike lays out the reasons why we can lean heavily on the accuracy and truth of this ancient text.

  • Help Me Have More: Patience

    8.28.22. God has amazing plans to bless us, prosper us, and save us from pain. But those plans may not be for today, tomorrow, or even the end of this year. What if we're not patient enough to wait for God's promises? Pastor Mike teaches us three big ideas about patience that will help us grow in...

  • Help Me Have More: Peace

    8.21.22. Just read the headlines on any given day, and it's hard to imagine finding peace in this world. But, Pastor Mike says, finding peace is not impossible. And it starts with knowing what peace is, what it isn't, and knowing what are the top five peace thieves.

  • Help Me Have More: Joy

    8.14.22. We all strive for happiness and make decisions on what we think will bring us joy. This feat is even more challenging considering that, according to God, there are three different kinds of joy to be had. But only one of them really works. Pastor Mike takes us through the different joys a...

  • Help Me Have More: Kindness

    8.7.22. Kindness. Our culture seems infatuated with it as we all preach kindness. Yet it's often difficult to be kind because kindness comes at a cost to us. What does it take to transform our hearts into making us the kind, loving people God calls us to be? The answer, Pastor Mike says, starts w...

  • Seriously, God? God's Nonanswer Is the Answer?

    10.30.22. At the very end of the book of Job, God shows up to talk to Job, who needed an answer to why he had to suffer and endure such unfathomable pain. But spoiler alert: Job never gets an answer. That's because, Pastor Mike says, we need to remember who we are and who God is.

    Transcript: htt...

  • Seriously, God? God Won't Tell Me Why There's Pain?

    10.23.22. When we're in pain or when tragedy has struck, it's natural to ask, "Why?" But, Pastor Mike warns, demanding an answer to that question can be dangerous. Because when we incorrectly answer it or insist on trying to find out why, it can all go wrong. Instead, reading through the book of ...

  • Seriously, God? I Should Praise God Even Though I'm Hurting?

    10.9.22. When life is hard and it doesn't feel like God is doing enough to relieve us of the pain, we start to question God and his love for us. But, Pastor Mike warns, to do that is exactly what the devil wants. Instead, we can follow the example of a man named Job who suffered a level of pain a...

  • Seriously, God? This Is Why God Lets Me Suffer?

    10.2.22. If God has the power to end all our pain and provide answers for all the hurt we've been through, why doesn't he? Why does he let bad things happen to good people? Pastor Mike takes these often-asked questions, flips them, and challenges us to examine our motives: Why do we love God? Or ...

  • How Can I Resist Temptation?

    11.6.22. So much of life hinges on this single thing we call self-control—because there are so many temptations that can overcome us. So how do we get more self-control? Pastor Mike zeroes in on two big ways that God helps us have more self-control. ... Transcript:

  • The Miracle and Message of Music

    11.13.22. What kind of connection is there between God and music? We often take music for granted but, Pastor Mike reminds us, it is a miracle that the Bible has so much to say about. Pastor Mike covers two big ideas that attest to the power of God and music. ... Transcript:

  • Am I Worthy of Thanks?

    11.20.22. It's not unusual to wonder if we're significant, if we've really made a difference in other people's lives. We often feel that way because we're not where we think we should be in life. But, as Pastor Jeremy reminds us, we actually are exactly where God wants us to be. In this Thanksgiv...

  • How Do I Fix My Relationship With God?

    11.27.22. Most religions teach that if we mess up a relationship with the divine, we have to fix it. If our karma is bad or our scale shows more bad deeds than good or if we've broken a few too many commandments, we'd better make up for it. And that's what makes Christianity different: God reconc...