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  • 3. Don't Go Fishing With the Devil

    The devil wants to take you on fishing trips and reel back your old sins. When he wants to dredge up those mistakes, here's what Pastor Dan says to do.

    In this series, Pastor Dan continues his previous series teaching about the Lord's Prayer—but this time, he focuses only on forgiveness.

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  • 1. Can I Be Forgiven Even With My Past?

    Why do we think there's so much shame in our past that God can't forgive us? Especially when we compare ourselves to the heroes of faith in the Bible? Pastor Dan reminds us WHY God forgives us.

    In this series, Pastor Dan continues his previous series teaching about the Lord's Prayer—but this tim...

  • 5. How to Find Forgiveness for Others

    If someone hurts you, you don't need to forgive them right away. But there are steps you need to take, according to Jesus. Pastor Dan walks us through these steps in reaching forgiveness for those who have wronged us.

    In this series, Pastor Dan continues his previous series teaching about the Lo...

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  • 4. Whose Attention Am I Seeking?

    Do you live for the attention and approval of people around you?

  • 1. But I Feel Insignificant

    Do you sometimes feel insignificant? If so, it's okay, Pastor Matt says. Because even if you're not noticed, it doesn't mean you're not known.

  • 3. Are My Prayers Significant Enough?

    Do you often wonder: Of all the prayers people are praying right now and all the problems people have right now . . . why would God listen to me?

  • 4. Jesus Doesn't Make Sense: Why Is He Asking Me to Do This?

    There are times when life is filled with pain, anxiety, and stress. And yet, Jesus asks us to do things that don't make sense. Why?

    In this series, Pastor Jon looks at Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine—and how it helps us understand God's actions in our lives.

  • 5. Lord's Prayer: "Lead Us Not Into Temptation—What Can I Do?

    Temptation will always bombard us. But that doesn't mean we need to fall for it.

    In this series, Pastor Dan walks us through the Lord's Prayer and helps us see how we can continue to grow in our relationship with God. However, Pastor Dan doesn't talk about "forgive us our sins as we forgive thos...

  • 1. Lord's Prayer: "Our Father"—So What?

    How's your prayer life? This week, Pastor Dan walks us through the Lord's Prayer and helps us see how we can continue to grow in our relationship with God. Today we see how we get to call God "Our Father," giving us a special relationship with him. But, Pastor Dan asks, what if you have a bad dad...

  • 3. Lord's Prayer: "Your Will Be Done"—What IS God's Will for Me?

    What is God's will for us? Spoiler: It's not for us to make lots of money, build families, have huge homes, or even that we live pain-free lives.

  • 4. Lord's Prayer: "Give Us Today Our Daily Bread"

    Are you content with the necessities? Pastor Dan takes us through a simple exercise to check our hearts, looking at necessities vs. "niceties."

  • 4. 4 Loves in Your Life: Passionate Love

    Physical and sexual love in and of itself is a blessing and what makes us uniquely human. But, Pastor Phil warns, the abuse of this kind of love is one of the devil's oldest tricks. This abuse is one of the biggest fundamental problems of our culture.

  • 1. Jesus Doesn't Make Sense: Why Didn't He Stop This?

    When things go wrong, we wonder why God didn't stop the problems before they happened. Pastor Jon says plans WILL fail, but that also means there will be opportunities.

    In this series, Pastor Jon looks at Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine—and how it helps us understand God's actions in o...

  • 1. What Is Love? Here's Where to Find It

    What is love? Is it a feeling or emotion? Is it an action? Is it something you need to find or something you need to do? Pastor Phil takes us back to the source.

  • 5. Jesus Doesn't Make Sense: Why Is He Generous to Me?

    Why does God love us when he knows all we've done? Why does he continue to be generous with us?

    In this series, Pastor Jon looks at Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine—and how it helps us understand God's actions in our lives.

  • 2. 4 Loves in Your Life: Family Love

    Who are the people in your life who have shown you a special, familylike love? Pastor Phil flips that thought and asks, Who have you shown that love to?

  • 3. Jesus Doesn't Make Sense: Where Is He When I Need Him?

    Does it feel like God's timing just doesn't make sense? If we're waiting for God to intervene when we need him most and yet nothing happens, it's easy to feel forgotten.

    In this series, Pastor Jon looks at Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine—and how it helps us understand God's actions in...

  • 2. Jesus Doesn't Make Sense: It's OK to Disrespect Your Mom?

    Sometimes there are things in the Bible that don't make sense. So how do we read these confusing passages? Particularly this one where Jesus calls his mother, "Woman"?

    In this series, Pastor Jon looks at Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine—and how it helps us understand God's actions in ou...

  • 2. Lord's Prayer: "Your Kingdom Come"—What Am I Asking For?

    When we pray "your kingdom come," what are we actually asking for and what does it mean for us? Is God's kingdom already here?

  • 3. 4 Loves in Your Life: Friendship Love

    The love between friends is a side-by-side love between "naked personalities." Pastor Phil helps us see who are our real friends, pointing us back to our ultimate Friend.