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  • Jesus Doesn't Make Sense: It's OK to Disrespect Your Mom?

    Sometimes there are things in the Bible that don't make sense. So how do we read these confusing passages? Particularly this one where Jesus calls his mother, "Woman"?

    In this series, Pastor Jon looks at Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine—and how it helps us understand God's actions in ou...

  • Jesus Doesn't Make Sense: Why Didn't He Stop This?

    When things go wrong, we wonder why God didn't stop the problems before they happened. Pastor Jon says plans WILL fail, but that also means there will be opportunities.

    In this series, Pastor Jon looks at Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine—and how it helps us understand God's actions in o...

  • Answering Skeptics: Christians Are So Negative

    Why are Christians always talking about hell and death and judgment?

  • Answering Skeptics: Rising From the Dead Is Impossible

    Why should you believe that Jesus rose from the dead? Pastor Dave has six reasons why Jesus' resurrection is historically reliable.

  • Answering Skeptics: Miracles Aren't Possible

    Nature acts uniformly. And since you've never seen a miracle, then miracles aren't possible . . . right?

  • Answering Skeptics: But There Are Hypocrites in the Church

    You might be turned off by the church because you see so many hypocrites. And you'd be right. Because Jesus said there would be hypocrites in the church.

  • Answering Skeptics: Do I Need to Do Good to Get Into Heaven?

    If I'm a good person, shouldn't that be enough for me to get into heaven?

  • What About My Unbelief?

    You know the evidence and believe Jesus is who he said he is. But you still struggle with unbelief . . . Pastor Ben helps you figure out your next steps.

  • Take Jesus on a Test Drive

    Still not sure about Christianity? Take Jesus' words and put them into practice to see for yourself.

  • Which God Is the Right God?

    There are so many religions in our world. How do we know which one is right?

  • Is Christianity Based on Facts?

    Do you need to put aside facts and history to be a Christian?

  • Is There Absolute Truth?

    The onslaught of fake news can turn us into hardened skeptics, especially as we ask: Is there such a thing as absolute truth?

  • Feel the Pressure. Love the Pressure.

    If you're a human being, then there's a great chance you're dealing with some sort of pressure at this moment or will be dealing with pressure in the future. How should you deal with it? Where does it come from? Is there such a thing as "good pressure"? Let's talk about the weird balance that's n...

  • Get Peace at All Times

    Peace isn’t a perfect life. What it is might surprise you. And you can have it at all times.

  • Get Peace That Can’t Be Threatened

    There will always be something that threatens our peace—a diagnosis, financial stress, or relationship struggles. But peace isn’t just about being trouble-free. Pastor Mike shares a simple technique that will help you remember how to get true peace.

  • Do You Have Never-Ending Joy?

    There’s a special joy that never ends. And the good news, Pastor Mike says, is that you can have that kind of joy right now.

  • How to Find Good Joy

    How do we find the good kind of joy that God gives us? It doesn’t have to be hard if we just do this, Pastor Mike says.

  • Is It Bad if It Feels Good?

    Why is it that some of the things that are bad for us can make us so happy in the moment? Even the Bible admits there’s a joy that comes from sin, Pastor Mike says. So how do we know if the joy we have is good or bad?

  • Thank God for . . . Difficult People?

    It's hard to believe, but there ARE unexpected blessings with having difficult people in your life. Pastor Matt shares what those are.

  • A Safeguard Against Difficult People

    You still need to protect your emotional well-being when you deal with difficult people. Here's a safeguard so your heart is in a good place.

  • Get Close to Difficult People?

    When it comes to dealing with difficult people, it's natural to think we need to keep our distance. But Pastor Matt says that's not the healthiest way to address difficult people.

  • Are YOU Being Difficult?

    When someone's difficult to us, we often use that as justification to be difficult back to them. But that's not what we're called to do.

  • Why Are We So Difficult to One Another?

    God created us to be different so we would complement one another. Instead, we now compete with our differences. What happened?

  • Don't Fall Under the Spell

    There are some "harmless fun" philosophies that Christians should beware of—because they try to put us under a spell. Do you know your Zodiac sign? Are you superstitious? Do you know what or whom you're worshiping? Let's make sure we aren't under any spells and know how to avoid them altogether. ...