The Nonmicrowaved Truth With C.L. Whiteside

The Nonmicrowaved Truth With C.L. Whiteside

How fast do you have to have "IT"? Our culture tells us to find a microwave to speed up the process. C.L. Whiteside, a man who sees and hears multiple perspectives through his life of coaching sports, serving in education, and attempting to conform to Christ, searches for the nonmicrowaved truth. C.L. gets that what’s cool and acceptable now, may not be cool and acceptable tomorrow—and most importantly, may not be what’s best.

The Nonmicrowaved Truth With C.L. Whiteside
  • Prove the Power

    When do you personally reevaulate your life, calling, and purpose? Maybe you've never given it a lot of thought or time. C.L. examines his life each year around his birthday and comes up with a word for the year to focus on. This year's word has to do with "proving more powerful than opposing for...

  • Church & the Customer Service Mentality

    Who doesn't love good customer service that makes them feel welcome and appreciated? In fact, we often choose a church based on how well it can serve us. But should Christians have the customer service mentality when it comes to church? What other aspects of a good church might we be missing if w...

  • How to Attract Mr. or Ms. Right

    The dating world is becoming harder, and it's getting more cutthroat. If your relationship status is single, you may be wondering how to attract Mr. or Ms. Right. If you are in a relationship or even married, you may be wondering if the person you're with is the right one. Whether you are looking...

  • That's Not Ladylike

    What does a God-fearing woman look like? There are some characteristics that seem to be common in God-fearing women and one characteristic ALL should strive to emulate whether you are a woman or a man. This episode examines those characteristics and highlights how Jesus, the perfect man, shared c...

  • Bruh, Be a Man!

    You don't have to be a man to appreciate this episode, but think about what characteristics you think make a man. What does a REAL man look like? There are some characteristics and traits that are up for debate. Regardless of that, a Christian man should have characteristics that are different fr...

  • Listen Up! What Would Paul Say to Us?

    The apostle Paul was known for sending letters to churches and people. His letters called them out, encouraged them, and spoke on cultural issues. Some have said that America could use a letter from Paul reminding us of a few things. What do you think Paul would say to the churches in America and...

  • Silent Killers

    Don't let your faults define you. Don't try to justify your wrongs. Instead of acting like your negative behaviors, responses, and choices don't exist, be aware of how they can be silently killing you. This doesn't have to be the case and should NOT happen to any follower of Christ no matter how ...

  • The Real OG Father Mentality

    There's a mentality carried by gang leaders who often act as father figures. This mentality may be something you have adopted in your life and not even realized it. Are there any philosophies our heavenly Father and Jesus share in common with OGs? Learn what gang/family you're a part of and why....

  • Make Your Dreams Come True

    Is there a dream you have that just hasn't come true yet? But the bigger the dream, the more you'll need of this often overlooked quality. This episode looks at Joseph's dream and what lessons we can learn from him and his rise to power.

    Genesis 37, 39, 40, 41
    Genesis 20

  • They Want You to Keep It on the Low

    The media would rather publicize something other than Jesus. As Christians, should we follow this trend? If we want to get rid of our blindness and see the truth, we will need to take lessons from a beggar who knew keeping it low key was not the answer to his problems. Striving for spiritual grow...

  • Fueling on Feelings

    Being fueled by our feelings can lead us astray. Feelings are a part of life, and it's beneficial to be in tune with them properly. But for Christians, there is something we can be inspired by that is more trustworthy than our feelings. This episode examines how Jesus dealt with situations that w...

  • Oh, So That's What You Calling It

    The world has changed the name of certain sins to try and make them seem like they are not sins. Switching names is a tactic used to confuse and manipulate people to act a certain way. Watch what others try to call those who want to represent Christian living. Even Jesus had to deal with people t...

  • Get in the Good Book

    The most important book a person can read is the Bible. There are some major reasons why people should read scripture and not just be content with letting someone else tell them what the Bible actually says. There are some places anyone can start when it comes to reading the Bible. And even if yo...

  • That's a Trick Question

    There are some trick questions we all need to know how to answer, because we need to be aware of the reasons why trick questions are posed to us in the first place. The sources of these trick questions might surprise you, but Jesus shows us how to deal with trick questions with his amazing answer...

  • Gotta Have Both

    Some things in life are better when you have both: milk and cereal, peanut butter and jelly. There are two things needed in our spiritual journeys too. See how this pair is unique, special, and one of a kind.

    Mark 10:17-21
    Romans 2:14,15
    Ephesians 2:8,9
    John 19:11
    Luke 1...

  • Build-a-God

    "Build it how you want" is something we strive to do in our culture. We even use this philosophy with whom we worship and trust. But building a god doesn't make our lives better; it only rejects the God who cares and has sacrificed for us like no other.

    1 Corinthians 8
    Psalm 5:4

  • Pride: A Disease or a Blessing?

    What we take pride in can make or break us. Misplaced pride or too much of pride lead to destruction. Properly-placed pride leads to blessings. There are mixed messages when it comes to this word. Let's take a look at where our pride should be placed and why.

    John 5:1-42
    Mark 2:13-17

  • Frenemy

    The worst kind of friend is one who is really an undercover enemy. A person may be a friend in one aspect and an enemy in another, but how do you distinguish the difference? We have to beware of our greatest frenemy. Likewise, we have to be thankful for our greatest Friend, who has undoubtedly pr...

  • Socially Contagious

    Is it OK to build a relationship on lies? Well, I guess it depends, because people are now being pressured to call a man a woman and vice versa if that's what a person wants. Culture wants to dictate our feelings and attitudes and will go to great lengths to do this. There are some movements that...

  • Christphobic

    LGBTQ+ Pride Month is here. This group has done an effective job of gaining more rights, standing proud for what they believe in, and pushing their agenda. This has gone so far that many people do not want to be called homophobic. At the same time, more and more groups and agendas are trying to g...

  • The Most Famous Person Ever

    The most famous people in our world today don't compare to the most famous person of all time. Who is the most famous person of all time and why? He's not just someone Christians think of. Even other big-time influencers can't deny his impact and influence. See what the most famous person ever of...

  • In-the-Closet Christian

    In today's world, should we be quiet about our allegiance to Christ? Is it easy for others to see that we are followers of Jesus? Some of us are quiet about being Christian—we're "in-the-closet Christians" because we don't want to "offend" anyone or be canceled, even though we may say or think we...

  • True or False? "I Can Do All Things . . ."

    Philippians 4:13 is a popular passage: "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." But it's also an often misunderstood passage and ends up being misused, leading many to rely on themselves. To understand, we need to focus on who is meant by "him" in the passage. And you might be surpri...

  • True or False? This Is Prescription, Not Description

    How do you know if something is a description or a prescription? This can be confusing to decipher in the Bible. But believe it or not, most people determine if it's prescription or description based off a lack of understanding or a hope to do something that actually goes against God's Word. The ...