How Do I Fix My Relationship With God?
11.27.22. Most religions teach that if we mess up a relationship with the divine, we have to fix it. If our karma is bad or our scale shows more bad deeds than good or if we've broken a few too many commandments, we'd better make up for it. And that's what makes Christianity different: God reconc...
Am I Worthy of Thanks?
11.20.22. It's not unusual to wonder if we're significant, if we've really made a difference in other people's lives. We often feel that way because we're not where we think we should be in life. But, as Pastor Jeremy reminds us, we actually are exactly where God wants us to be. In this Thanksgiv...
The Miracle and Message of Music
11.13.22. What kind of connection is there between God and music? We often take music for granted but, Pastor Mike reminds us, it is a miracle that the Bible has so much to say about. Pastor Mike covers two big ideas that attest to the power of God and music. ... Transcript: http://bit.ly/3WSFRh5
How Can I Resist Temptation?
11.6.22. So much of life hinges on this single thing we call self-control—because there are so many temptations that can overcome us. So how do we get more self-control? Pastor Mike zeroes in on two big ways that God helps us have more self-control. ... Transcript: http://bit.ly/3EpsGNd
Help Me Have More . . .
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In a world that feels increasingly unsettled and angry, T-shirts and social media posts encourage us all to “be kind” or “choose kindness.” The Bible not only agrees with that message but adds, “Be joyful, peaceful, patient, and self-controlled.” However, God does not leave us with a simple comma...
Skeptical Faith
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In the swirl of ideas, beliefs, and questions of the internet age, Christians are often challenged for their faith. This five-part series uses a crash course on apologetics to equip Christians to hold on to and share their faith with the skeptics in their lives, including the one in their own hea...
Freedom in Forgiveness
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The Bible's teaching on forgiveness must be handled with care so that its power is used to help and not to hurt, draw people closer to God and not push him away. This four-part series explores what biblical forgiveness is, how it works, and why we offer it to one another freely.
Jesus Judges Churches Too
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What would Jesus say if he judged us? Two thousand years ago, the Son of God did that very thing, evaluating different first-century churches. In this series, we read Jesus' analysis of these churches and apply them to our spiritual lives as we seek to be faithful to our Savior.
My Best Life Possible
4.17.22. What if someone told you that you could have the best life possible? Even if your life is already pretty good right now, or especially if it's not, you CAN have a really full and abundant life. And, as Pastor Mike shares in today's Easter message, it starts with knowing the beautiful pro...
What Is Love?
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Why is there so much hatred in the world? If most everyone agrees that we should love one another, why is love such a rare species? And why do some people call hate what others think is love? This four-part series explores, from a biblical perspective, what love and hate mean, what God loves and ...
Churchy Words Explained (and Why You Should Care)
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The Bible, and particularly the good news of the gospel contained within it, is full of words that are not easy to define, a reality that can leave us with something less than the understood, applied, and enjoyed message that our Father intended. This series explores six of the most important yet...