The Nonmicrowaved Truth With C.L. Whiteside

The Nonmicrowaved Truth With C.L. Whiteside

How fast do you have to have "IT"? Our culture tells us to find a microwave to speed up the process. C.L. Whiteside, a man who sees and hears multiple perspectives through his life of coaching sports, serving in education, and attempting to conform to Christ, searches for the nonmicrowaved truth. C.L. gets that what’s cool and acceptable now, may not be cool and acceptable tomorrow—and most importantly, may not be what’s best.

The Nonmicrowaved Truth With C.L. Whiteside
  • Do You Love Second-Chance Stories?

    Do you get annoyed when you hear about someone wasting a second or third chance? The Bible is full of second-chance stories. How many chances have you been given? Do you ever worry that you might run out of chances? This episode shows that when God gives second chances, it's different from when w...

  • Child Worship: The New Religion of Our Culture

    Parents love their children so much that at times it becomes a form of worship. If you have a child, plan on having children, or are a son or daughter, then this is a great episode for you. C.L. examines what forms of child worship you may be participating in and helps you understand how to guard...

  • Can You Push the Button?

    If you had the fate of someone's life in your hands or had to make a decision that went against what everyone wanted, could you do it? Making decisions can be draining. Making tough decisions is even more draining. There are some people in the Bible we can definitely learn from when it comes to m...

  • Mix Carefully & Beware of the Hijack

    Have you ever heard the phrase "live in the world but don't be of the world"? What does that mean for a Christian? Does this mean you can't celebrate any holidays? Can a Christian still represent God if culture or traditions are mixed in? There are a few things you always need to keep in mind so ...

  • Standing on Business ... For God

    Do you "stand on business" for God? You may be wondering what that even means. But whether you know what it means or not, you are standing for a number of things you may not even be aware of. C.L. discusses why you might want to make sure you are standing for God and what standing for God can do ...

  • Feel the Pressure. Love the Pressure.

    If you're a human being, then there's a great chance you're dealing with some sort of pressure at this moment or will be dealing with pressure in the future. How should you deal with it? Where does it come from? Is there such a thing as "good pressure"? Let's talk about the weird balance that's n...

  • Don't Fall Under the Spell

    There are some "harmless fun" philosophies that Christians should beware of—because they try to put us under a spell. Do you know your Zodiac sign? Are you superstitious? Do you know what or whom you're worshiping? Let's make sure we aren't under any spells and know how to avoid them altogether. ...

  • REPLAY: Goals That Just Sound Good

    This episode originally ran in January 2022. We'll be back next week with a new episode from C.L.!

    A new year usually calls for new goals for many people. Don't let your goals just be things that sound good, but instead allow your goals to be fueled and empowered. There's a method to creating go...

  • REPLAY: Rule #2: Stop Planting Garbage

    Here's a personal favorite episode from C.L. that first ran in November 2022. Enjoy it while we're on break!

    Another passage from Galatians 6 that C.L. has a tattoo of is a reminder to stop planting garbage. Destruction comes when we plant the wrongs things and our focus is in the wrong place. W...

  • REPLAY: How to Friend

    While we're on a short break, here's another of C.L.'s memorable episodes! This episode originally ran in December 2021.

    Being a good friend takes a unique understanding of HOW, especially since some don't even want a friend—they want a person they can control and who allows them to feel more co...

  • REPLAY: Who Looks Out For the Strong?

    We're taking a short break during this Christmas season. But we leave you with some of CL's hand-picked memorable and favorite episodes!

    Too often those who are deemed as strong get overlooked and don't have many places to turn to when they are dealing with a lot. Who counsels the counselor? If ...

  • The Overlooked Trademarks

    It's one thing to tell someone you're a Christian; it's another thing when someone notices that you are different (in a positive way). Are you a blessing? What are the signs or symbols of a Christian? There are distinct trademarks that Christians are empowered to display that are often overlooked...

  • Happiness Is Overrated

    Chasing happiness can have you bouncing from one thing to another. How strong is your desire to be happy? The book of Philippians has some outstanding lessons and shows us there is something greater than happiness. Believe it or not, we as Christians can see why happiness is overrated and where t...

  • Improve Your Conversations the Jesus Way

    Observing different types of conversations is interesting. Sometimes people talk too much, and others want to avoid talking to them. Sometimes people seem as if they don't know what to say at all. How good do you think you are at conversing? This episode analyzes Jesus' conversational approach an...

  • Double-Edged Mentor

    Do you have someone you call your mentor? Even if you don't give someone the title of mentor, mentorship plays a role in your life. There are some overlooked components of mentorship that can benefit you greatly. There are also some warnings as well as some encouragements that make being a mentor...

  • The Guide to Starring in Your Own Movie of Life

    Life is like a movie, and the main character in your life is none other than you. How much should you focus on yourself and embrace the mentality that you are the main character? And what should that look like? What script are you looking at? Who is the director of your life? However you may answ...

  • The Devil Is No Match

    Can the devil read minds? The greatest liar, accuser, and fraud is a powerful enemy we should be aware of, but how far does his power extend? There are some weapons and traps he uses that we often overlook but shouldn't. Here's the real question that has to be addressed: Is the devil on the same ...

  • Should This Person Be a Pastor?

    Do you know what qualifies or disqualifies someone from being a pastor? "A pastor is to be above reproach." What does this mean? Is someone disqualified from being a pastor if they've had a crazy past, gotten a divorce, or have a wild family? Our culture has opinions, messages, and feelings on wh...

  • Prove the Power

    When do you personally reevaulate your life, calling, and purpose? Maybe you've never given it a lot of thought or time. C.L. examines his life each year around his birthday and comes up with a word for the year to focus on. This year's word has to do with "proving more powerful than opposing for...

  • Church & the Customer Service Mentality

    Who doesn't love good customer service that makes them feel welcome and appreciated? In fact, we often choose a church based on how well it can serve us. But should Christians have the customer service mentality when it comes to church? What other aspects of a good church might we be missing if w...

  • How to Attract Mr. or Ms. Right

    The dating world is becoming harder, and it's getting more cutthroat. If your relationship status is single, you may be wondering how to attract Mr. or Ms. Right. If you are in a relationship or even married, you may be wondering if the person you're with is the right one. Whether you are looking...

  • That's Not Ladylike

    What does a God-fearing woman look like? There are some characteristics that seem to be common in God-fearing women and one characteristic ALL should strive to emulate whether you are a woman or a man. This episode examines those characteristics and highlights how Jesus, the perfect man, shared c...

  • Bruh, Be a Man!

    You don't have to be a man to appreciate this episode, but think about what characteristics you think make a man. What does a REAL man look like? There are some characteristics and traits that are up for debate. Regardless of that, a Christian man should have characteristics that are different fr...

  • Listen Up! What Would Paul Say to Us?

    The apostle Paul was known for sending letters to churches and people. His letters called them out, encouraged them, and spoke on cultural issues. Some have said that America could use a letter from Paul reminding us of a few things. What do you think Paul would say to the churches in America and...