Grace Talks

Grace Talks

Daily videos to start your day.

Grace Talks
  • Easter's Effects

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    Pastor Caleb helps us get ready for Easter by reflecting on the effects of Easter in our lives.

  • Overcoming Vulnerability

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    Pastor Jeremy helps us overcome our vulnerabilities, reminding us that no matter what we feel, we will be OK.

  • Jesus' Shocking Sound Bites

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    Watch the entire devotional series as Pastor Jon shares with us the shocking things Jesus said—and how Jesus' words continue to encourage us.

  • Jesus' Compassion for Each of Us

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    Pastor Dave helps us see just how compassionate Jesus is for each of us.

  • Jesus Doesn't Make Sense

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    Pastor Jon looks at Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine—which helps us understand God's actions in our lives.

  • If Angels Are Real . . .

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    Pastor Jeremy helps us understand where angels are in our lives.

  • Answering Skeptics

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    Watch the entire series as Pastor Dave looks at more questions and objections that people have when it comes to Christianity.

  • Is Christianity the Truth?

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    Watch the entire devotional series as Pastor Ben takes a look at how we can determine truth in a post-truth world.

  • Want More Joy and Peace?

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    In this devotional series Pastor Mike teaches us what true joy and peace look like.

  • Depression and Anxiety

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    Pastor Dan helps us learn how to handle anxiety and depression.

  • Dealing With Difficult People

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    Pastor Matt helps us deal with difficult people in our lives.

  • How to Reach That One Person in Your Life

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    Pastor Ben helps us follow Jesus' lead of reaching and serving one person at a time.

  • New Year's Resolutions

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    Pastor Phil helps us set meaningful New Year's resolutions.

  • Christmas Is Just the Beginning

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    Pastor Jared reminds us that though the Christmas season will be soon over, it is just the beginning.

  • John the Baptist: Prepare for What?

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    Pastor Jon shares with us how John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus—and how we must continue preparing for Jesus today.

  • Jesus Is Coming!

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    Pastor Phil helps us remember how to keep the right perspective this Christmas season by remembering the promise of Jesus' return.

  • Dealing With Grief

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    Pastor Caleb helps us walk through our grief.

  • 5 Truths for Better Rest

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    Pastor Matt gives us five truths to give us better rest.

  • Why You Matter

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    Pastor Phil encourages us with why we matter.

  • Serving Veterans

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    This week we celebrate our veterans with this classic series from Pastor Jon that first aired in 2018.

  • How to Start Reading the Bible

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    Pastor Mike helps us learn how to start reading the Bible.

  • The Forgotten God

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    Pastor Dan teaches us about the Holy Spirit and how he is working in our lives today.

  • Joy in Hard Places

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    Watch the entire devotional series from this past week as

  • Moving on From a Regretful Past

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    Pastor Ben teaches us how we can move on from the regrets of our past.